Return of The Sting of the Jungle – Jungle Boy Gets the Point

Return of The Sting of the Jungle – Jungle Boy Gets the Point

Come back here! …. you little …!!!!” the older man’s booming voice echoed through the vast, lush tropical canopy, followed by a chorus of chattering and squawking as the jungle creatures responded to the bellowing command. It was as if the rain forest trembled in anticipation of what had become the common spectacle of Tarzan disciplining his wayward stepson.

As usual, Boy had no intention of obeying the roaring command, as he knew full well what Tarzan had in mind for him, Breaking any of his jungle stepfather’s many rules inevitably resulted in either a spanking or a paddling. Being a few months shy of his 20th birthday, Boy considered himself well past such childish and humiliating punishments, and refused to submit.

Hence he was running through the jungle, pursued by a furious Tarzan.

Unfortunately for Boy, die to his spoilt, arrogant and rather sadistic nature, he was not well liked by the jungle creatures, who instinctively took Tarzan’s side, especially Cheetah the elderly but highly intelligent Chimpanzee, who appeared to derive great delight from seeing its long term tormentor, Boy receiving a well deserved punishment.

Therefore, as Boy ran past it, the wicked old chimp, deliberately tripped him up by thrusting a broken tree branch into his path.

Losing his balance, Boy tumbled forward, hitting his head on a rock, and rendering himself temporarily unconscious. At that moment, the ground began to shudder, as a great beast, Kirabo the elephant, approached down the jungle path.

As Boy lay there face down on the ground, the Chimp took the opportunity before the elephant arrived, to snatch a prized possession which it had stolen many times before, Boy’s skimpy loincloth.

As, so many times before, Boy was left bare bottomed and vulnerable.


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