Part Two of the latest images by Funky Monster
Star player spanked in the Locker Room
Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)
and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)
Hunky young guys (18+) with sore bottoms
Part Two of the latest images by Funky Monster
Star player spanked in the Locker Room
Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)
and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)
Parent/Teacher meeting gone wrong
Rent or Red Ass? Choose your Poison
A Sticky Mess, but the Spanking’s Not Over
More from Funky Monster tomorrow
Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)
and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)
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story by wwecollector
James Fitzpatrick is a good Tennis Player. He’s been consistently ranked amongst the very best players of all time as he was dubbed the “Youngest Tennis Champion” when he was still in the junior division. All these accolades at the age of 22 made him one of the most absurd, self absorbed, and cocky tennis players of all time, if not the most annoying.
To make things worse, he was also a Social Media Influencer. His videos and social media pages are ranked at the top spot because he’s constantly providing thristrap photos in the hopes that people don’t really see right through him; and the truth is, he was only a good Tennis Player, not Championship material.
His over the top bravado and toxic masculinity of arrogance made him the ire of the entire locker room. He mocked players, both men and women, that because they didn’t have the biggest social media following as him, they weren’t getting any sponsors and in turn, hindering their chances of being “Championship material” in the eyes of investors.
Because of this tactic where he constantly negates his opponents, he found himself at the finals of the ATP Tournament. The ATP Finals is a big deal in the Tennis World: this is the stage where Men are immortalized. James knew that it was his birth right to be Tennis Master and everyone else was below him.
Then, the only Man who he can’t annoy or intimidate arrived in the form of Hüber De Groot, the brown haired Dutch Player whom many admire. Unlike James, Hüber didn’t use social media much and it added to his sex appeal, rivaling James. James was always angry of this certain rival and that was his first mistake, he let Hüber enter under his skin and as the match went on, the Dutchman was proclaimed the ultimate champion.
Angered, embarrassed, and humiliated, James Fitzpatrick did what James Fitzpatrick did best: throw a temper tantrum when things don’t go his way. He hurled insults to the referees, audience members, and to Hüber himself. He cussed and spoke every profanity that ever existed and hurled it at the Dutchman, which gained no reaction from him whatsoever.
The breaking point however was when James threw his tennis racket accidentally and it hit Hüber’s younger brother, Jansen, in the face. Hüber chased after James after that and a fight ensued.
After what felt like forever, James accidentally tripped and found himself flying straight to the net, trapping his upper body, making him unable to move yet perfectly exposing his most vulnerable body parts. Hüber had an idea and called for a referee James insulted earlier. He instructed the referee to place his hand on top of James back and lift up his, sweaty, blue briefs in order to give the tennis brat an uncomfortable and humiliating wedgie over the net.
The wedgie was so painful that James screamed and squeeled like a pig, never in his entire life has he gotten wedgies before, he was usually the one giving them and it made him feel powerless. Next, Hüber pulled down James’ shorts and proceeded to spank him with his own Tennis Racket straight in the ass, leaving behind a checkered pattern on his reddening buttcheeks.
James pleaded and begged to be released but the crowd kept on cheering. Even the tennis committee approved of what they were witnessing. To make things more nightmarish for James, Hübert called all the guys and girls James insulted at the start of the tournament and handed them his own racket.
One by one, they started whacking and beating his plumpy tush as if the racket was a meat tenderizer and James’ behind was the beef. The spanking continued despite James crying but the wedgie spanking combo didn’t stop until all of the referees and the entire committee had their turn. He was such a pain in their asses for years and it was time James Fitzpatrick learn what it means to have an ass that’s painful.
When the spankings stopped, James went home and crashed on the bed. When he woke up, his very red cheeks were the trending photos and his predicament being the trending video with the title being “Tennis Brat Treatment” and the poster of the video? None other than Jansen De Groot, the one person he shouldn’t have accidentally hit in the face. Maybe this time, James would learn but if he won’t, the entire Tennis Association is there to give him the best treatment fit for a brat.
The Humiliation of Redman Dane
Chapter 7
“Where is thy sting?”
Redman Dane, a youth in possession of striking beauty and sparse good character walked briskly through the well tended gardens of Dane Hall his grim expression evidence of his perpetual state of sulkiness. Our young anti-hero’s already gloomy, mood grew darker by the day. He was in a situation which was beyond being tolerable, yet he had to tolerate it, he had no option other than to endure the daily indignity of painful and humiliating punishments.
To fail to comply risked alienating the affections of the one woman with the means to provide him with the wealth which would free him from the dismal fate which so often awaited the second son of a wealthy family. His future prospects, when Lady Dane finally exited this mortal coil (an event which could not come soon enough) was the one thing he would never risk.
However, despite what she had to offer him, Redman’s dislike for his aunt was now approaching the same loathing he had felt, for the now convalescing Ruth Gallagher. Making matters worse, was the growing suspicion that the old she-wolf actually enjoyed watching him suffer.
As he entered the walled garden, Redman noticed a small fragile creature on the path ahead of him. One of his young step-mother’s cats had recently produced a batch of tiny kittens, one of which, braver than it’s siblings, was making it’s first ever foray away from its mother, the tiny creature’s innocent mind fascinated with the the strange sights and sounds of the newly discovered wonderland.
As Redman drew level with the kitten, he suddenly swung one leg in a violent kick, sending the young feline flying into the bushes at the side of the path.
“You will have to make do with just the eight lives now bitch!” snarled the kitten kicker as he strode on towards the house.
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