Spanking Fun With Funky Monster (Part 2 of 2)

Part two of the brilliant spanking images by Funky Monster

No More Freeloading

Red Card – Red Bottom

Spanking Heist

Well Past Bedtime

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

Click here for Part One

Funky Monster on JockSpank

Spanking Fun with Funky Monster (Part 1 of 2)

Time for some hot spanking images by Funky Monster

Best Buds Spanked Side By Side

Coach Gets A Spanking

Good Grades /Bad Attitude

Leadership is No Excuse, This is your Lesson

To Be Continued

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

Funky Monster on JockSpank

It’s All Cupid’s Fault – By Funky Monster

It’s all Cupid’s Fault

By Funky Monster

Valentines Day again. Brandon stood by the staircase window, watching couples stroll by, laughing, holding hands, and exchanging gifts. Meanwhile, he was as single as a dollar bill in an empty wallet. Every year, he prayed—begged—for love, and every year, he got nothing. Not a date. Not a romantic text. Not even an accidental love confession from a friend.

“Maybe I’m cursed,” he muttered, sighing.

Just then, a soft fluttering sound filled the air. A warm glow appeared behind him. Brandon turned, and there he was—Cupid himself, hovering mid-air, his chubby cheeks (both sets) glowing with divine radiance.

“Hey, hey! No need to look so down, buddy,” Cupid said, flashing a grin. “Love works in mysterious ways, you know. Maybe this year—”

Brandon sighed, nodding. “Yeah… I guess you’re right. Love is complicated. It’s not easy finding the right person. Maybe I just need to be patient, put myself out there more, work on—” He suddenly stopped, eyes widening as a realization struck him like lightning. “Wait a damn minute… this isn’t my fault at all!”

His gaze snapped back to Cupid, now filled with righteous fury. “I’ve been patient! I’ve tried everything! But I’m still single because you aren’t doing your job!”

Cupid blinked. “Whoa, whoa—hold on, pal. That’s not how divine matchmaking works! Love takes time—”

Brandon wasn’t buying it. “Oh yeah? You’ve had years to do your job! Face it, Cupid, this is your fault!”

Cupid gulped, sensing real trouble. “Look, Brandon, I know you’re frustrated, but let’s talk this out like rational—HEY!”

Before he could escape, Brandon grabbed him, spun him around, and in one swift motion, bent him over the window ledge. With a quick tug, down came Cupid’s toga, pooling around his ankles, exposing his divine rear to the world.

“Wait—WAIT! Let’s be reasonable!” Cupid squawked, struggling.

Brandon cracked his knuckles. “Oh, I’m being very reasonable.”


“OW! Brandon, buddy, let’s not—AHH!”


“You had ONE JOB, Cupid!” SMACK! “And you FAILED!” SMACK!

Cupid flailed. “I—I tried! But love isn’t easy—YOWCH!”

SMACK! “Not easy? NOT EASY? Then what are all these couples doing outside, huh? Playing Uno?”

Cupid whimpered. “I can explain!”


“No more excuses!” Brandon scolded, delivering crisp, sharp spanks. Cupid’s round cheeks glowed pink, then red, then deep red.

“OKAY! OKAY!” Cupid yelped, his wings twitching. “I PROMISE! Next year, I’ll find you a partner! I swear on Aphrodite’s name!”

Brandon paused. “Next year, huh?”

Cupid nodded frantically. “Yes! Yes! Next year, you’ll be in love, I guarantee it!”

Brandon narrowed his eyes. “And if you don’t?”

Cupid gulped.

Brandon raised his hand.

“NOOO—okay, okay! I SWEAR! No more single Valentines for you! Just—please, my butt is on fire!”

After what felt like an eternity, Brandon finally let Cupid go. The deity scrambled to pull his toga back up, rubbing his sore, punished behind.

Brandon crossed his arms. “You better deliver, Cupid. Or next year, we’re doing this again—and I’m getting a paddle.”

Cupid winced, flapping his wings. “Message received… loud and clear.”

And with that, he poofed away, vanishing into the heavens—hopefully to do his job properly this time.

Brandon smirked. “Happy Valentine’s Day to me.”


Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

More Spanking Fun(k) by Funky Monster (Part 2 of 2)

Part Two of the latest images by Funky Monster

Scout Spanking

Star player spanked in the Locker Room

Team Punishment

Victory and rear exposure

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

More Spanking Fun(k) by Funky Monster (Part 1 of 2)

Fraternity Initiation

Lazy Bums Spanked on The Job

Parent/Teacher meeting gone wrong

Rent or Red Ass? Choose your Poison

A Sticky Mess, but the Spanking’s Not Over

More from Funky Monster tomorrow

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

A Feast of Festive Funky Monster

Some Christmas Spanking fun by Funky Monster

Big Bro getting Spanked for ruining Christmas

Dad gets spanked by Santa

Son in Law spanked over the holiday

When the naughty List is too long

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

Click on the pictures to see full sized images

More Spanking Fun with Funky Monster (Part 1 of 2)

The second set of PhotoShop art by Funky Monster

Spanking in the Strip Club

Spanking the Best Medicine

The Bully and the Lunch Money

The Spanking Squad – Where the Truth Hurts

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

More Spanking Fun with Funky Monster (Part 1 of 2)

Another batch of images from the irrepressible Funky Monster

A boy needs a shoulder to cry on after a hard spanking

Birthday Spanking

Dad Son Bonding Goes Wrong

It’s Fun To Watch Until Dad says, “You’re Next”

Part 2 tomorrow

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

“Thanks For The Spanks” Art and Fiction by FunkyMonster

In the quiet town of Willowbrook, a peculiar tradition thrived behind the white picket fences and within the walls of the Turner family’s grand, ancestral home. Every year, as the autumn leaves painted the town in fiery hues, the extended family gathered for a Thanksgiving feast like no other. The patriarch, George Turner, a man whose stern demeanor was as constant as the tick of the grandfather clock in the hallway, had instilled in his sons a very specific way of expressing their gratitude. It was a tradition that had been passed down through generations, a bizarre yet cherished ritual that was as much a part of their holiday as the roast turkey and pumpkin pie.

The house buzzed with excitement as the extended family began to arrive. The aroma of roasting meats and baking bread filled the air, mingling with the laughter of children playing outside. The women of the family, dressed in their Sunday best, bustled about the kitchen, preparing the sumptuous feast that was the centerpiece of their celebration. The men, in their crisp shirts and tailored slacks, congregated in the living room, sharing stories and sipping on sweet apple cider, their faces alight with the warmth of camaraderie and anticipation of the evening’s peculiar entertainment.

The youngest son, Timmy, though 15, was already well-versed in the peculiar tradition. He watched his uncles with a mix of awe and trepidation, knowing that one day, he too would stand in their place. The older boys and men, their faces a spectrum of ages from teenage to middle-aged, chuckled and whispered among themselves, sharing memories of past Thanksgiving spankings. The atmosphere was light, yet charged with a palpable tension that only grew as the dinner plates were cleared and the desserts set out.

George, his eyes twinkling with both mischief and affection, called the sons to the center of the room. “Gentlemen,” he announced, “It’s time for our annual show of thanks.” The women and children gathered around, curious and excited, as the sons lined up before their fathers. The room fell silent, save for the crackling fireplace and the occasional giggle from a young cousin. The fathers, each one sterner than the last, took their places behind their boys, their large hands resting on the small of their backs.


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Continue reading ““Thanks For The Spanks” Art and Fiction by FunkyMonster”

The Whacky (and Sexy) World of Funky Monster (Part 2 of 2)

The Haunted House

The second set of PhotoShop art by Funky Monster

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

Painting the Canvas Red

Skinny Dipping Goes wrong


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