Joshua’s Bett

Joshua’s Bet

Storyline suggested by Mammoth233

(Please do not read if you are offended by politically incorrect humour)

For Joshua, it had seemed no big deal when he had agreed to the bet, however, it was a different matter now that the bet was lost, and he had to face the forfeit. In principle the challenge had seemed a funny thing to do, especially after the reassuringly numbing effect of three pints of Abbot Ale, the cold sober reality wasn’t quite so amusing.

His mates, Kyle and Bradley, continued to find the plan hilarious, but the difference was they had won the bet, and didn’t have to face the forfeit, hence the mildly malicious grins which were seemingly etched onto their Frat-dude faces.

Josh, was also a frat dude, and therefore his ego would not allow him to pull out of the deal, no matter how much he now wanted to. When it had been proposed, the idea of streaking round the zoo and waking up all the animals, was funny, especially as his laddish bravado had let him assume that it would be Kyle or Brad, and not he who would be standing stark naked outside the city zoo at 10 PM on a chilly Wednesday evening.

Get on with it!” hissed Bradley Bush, “you’re not scared are you?”

Nah! I’m cool” lied Josh “I’m just working out the best way to get in!”

Climb over the gate!” suggested Kyle Drake helpfully, “You can stand on mine and Brads shoulders”

There was no option, Josh’s bravado had led him take the bet and that same masculine trait would not now let him back out. Determined not to let his reluctance show, he clambered from his, sometime buddies shoulders, onto the top of the gate, and then down the other side.

Given that there was so little to cling on to on the inside of the gate, he had to jump from a height of almost six feet, wincing at the impact of the hard ground on the soles of his tender bare feet. He should have worn trainers, the bet didn’t specify bare feet, but it was too late now.

Determining to get the ordeal over with, he gave a casual gesture to his friends, and then ran off down the path towards the animal enclosures, trying not to limp.


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UK Online Safety Regulations

The UK’s New Online Safety Regulation come into effect today, this is likely to have significant impact on users accessing adult content from within the UK. It may even result in some sites blocking users in the UK from even accessing the sites.

Sore Bottom Guys already has safety measures in place, in that visitors are unable to post to the site and all comments are moderated prior to publication. However, these may not be enough to satisfy the new regulations.

We are looking into this matter and will let users know how this is likely to affect your experience of this site going forward.

More Spanking Fun with Funky Monster (Part 1 of 2)

Another batch of images from the irrepressible Funky Monster

A boy needs a shoulder to cry on after a hard spanking

Birthday Spanking

Dad Son Bonding Goes Wrong

It’s Fun To Watch Until Dad says, “You’re Next”

Part 2 tomorrow

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

The Whacky (and Sexy) World of Funky Monster (Part 2 of 2)

The Haunted House

The second set of PhotoShop art by Funky Monster

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

Painting the Canvas Red

Skinny Dipping Goes wrong


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The Whacky (and Sexy) World of Funky Monster (Part 1 of 2)

Chuckles the Spanking Clown a Halloween Haunt

I hope readers will enjoy the work of another young artist who goes under the name Funky Monster. Funky Master’s work is mostly PhotoShop creations and features that essential element, wicked humour.

Funky posts regularly to his pages at Deviant Art (CLICK HERE)

and to X/Twitter : (CLICK HERE)

Click on the pictures to see full sized images

Class Policy

Getting POPS from Pops

Monk Mischief – Halloween lesson for a Prankster

Nude Art Model Spanked on First Day

More From Funky Monster Tomorrow