9 thoughts on “Arachrophobia”

  1. This is a greatly overlooked form of punishment by most porn videos. I am reminded of the 1930 classic movie with Carey Grant- “Gunga Din”. In it, Grant’s character, after being stripped and whipped, is threatened by “the Thugee” with being thrown into a snake pit. Thank you Bruce for bringing back to life this traditional torture method. Cheers!

    1. Well, of course, psychological torture can be as effective as physical torture. The challenge with art is to work out how to depict it in a sexy way!!

  2. The photo with the rhino & the snakes is self-explanatory, but please fill me in Bruce as to why in boy011, the poor fellow is at the same time being spanked on his ass & probed by an elephant on his back?

    1. The elephant, having previously dropped Boy onto Tarzan’s lap, is now using its trunk to hold him in place and prevent escape (assisted by the snake, wrapped round Boy’s legs)

      It may not be the most successful picture I have ever created,

  3. I went back and followed the story so now I understand it much better. Exactly how do you create pictures Bruce , some more “successful” than others. Give us a rundown, if possible, without violating professional secrets

    1. Sorry Dr Garrett, I didn’t answer this

      I guess you could say that my pictures are constructions, a form of Collage but done by computer. It may be to some degree, it’s a dying art, as it is being replaced by AI, where you instruct a computer to construct a picture for you. Whereas, I use a computer to assist me in doing it myself.

      I used AI in the last episode of The Humiliation of Redman Dane to create the character of Clara Middlmass (if you look closely, you can see the difference) but that is my first venture into AI.

  4. Keep using computer augmented collage Bruce. The quality is much better than A.I., in my opinion. P.S. I don’t expect much from those A.I. computer nerds. How can unintelligent people reproduce human intelligence?

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