7 thoughts on “Five Years with a Spanking Cellmate”

  1. Unfortunately this is no joke (not that it was intended to be). My brother, a criminal attorney, informs me that throughout the U.S. and U.K. prison system, unofficially sanctioned punishment sessions such as this frequently take place for the sexual gratification of the inmates and the guards. The physical and psychological scars to a young “surfer boy” can be permanent. Thanks Bruce for bringing this to the attention of your readers.

    1. You are welcome, Doctor Garrett. However, it’s always important to differentiate between fantasy and reality. We can enjoy a horror film, without hoping someone really gets eaten by a werewolf or a shark.

      Fates, which I am sure are as traumatic as sharing a cell with a spanking top. Albeit, obviously briefer.

  2. By golly you got it Bruce! There is no end to your creativity. How about another episode where the surfer boy gets his ass bitten by a shark? And, I have yet to see one from you where a foxy lad gets his ass bitten by a werewolf while exploring the forest? Cheers!

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