The Humiliation of Redman Dane – Chapter Nine

The Humiliation of Redman Dane

Chapter Nine

I want the changes to be made as soon as possible!” Commanded Lady Dane, her naturally assertive vocal tones now at their most imperious “Young Redman, for all his beauty, has been a huge disappointment to me, and I no longer believe he can be trusted with inherited wealth!”

Phineas Bullstrode, sitting opposite to her ladyship in her elegant suite in the first floor of Dane Hall, nodded gravely. He had been Lady Dane’s solicitor long enough to know that when she had set her mind to a matter, there would be no changing course.

Redman will be perfectly comfortable on an income of fifty pounds a year!” she continued, “He can go into the Church, like most second son’s do, and we will find him a suitable parish in Cumberland, or some such place, where he won’t get up to mischief!”

Cumberland, seems most suitable your Ladyship” murmured Bullstrode “…lots of lakes in Cumberland”

I am also anxious that dear Edward, will be able to maintain the standard he’s become accustomed, since he’s been with me” She cast an affectionate glance at the handsome footman, standing a few feet behind her, before turning back to the lawyer “Edward has been a godsend!” she said “He’s so attentive, and he has such beautiful ….. hands!”

Indeed your Ladyship … I’m sure” Bullstrode lowered his voice “the provision for Mr Goodbody is very generous “ before adding “I will have the revised paperwork ready for your signature by Monday”

Monday?” cried Lady Dane “Oh no, I want it all completed this week at the latest”

It’s a very substantial estate Your ladyship!” stuttered the lawyer, the journey from London was arduous enough, without having to make it twice in one week, and he was hoping for a weekend to recover.

Friday … at the latest!” snapped Lady Dane

Of course, your ladyship” mumbled the unhappy lawyer “I will return on Friday, with the paperwork!”

Discretion is vital!” whispered Lady Dane “Redman must not find out before it is done, his pleading and begging would be intolerable!”

Her words were, in fact, moot, as behind the curtain, Redman was seething with fury. From his hiding place, he had heard the whole conversation, and he was horrified to discover what his aunt was planning. He was to be disinherited, expected to become a vicar in some Godforsaken pit town in the frozen north, existing on a measly fifty pounds a year!

Meanwhile, the harridan’s gigolo footman would be living in luxury, on his money. This was intolerable

He had to stop it, and he had less than three days to act.


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The Humiliation of Redman Dane – Chapter 7

The Humiliation of Redman Dane

Chapter 7

Where is thy sting?”

Redman Dane, a youth in possession of striking beauty and sparse good character walked briskly through the well tended gardens of Dane Hall his grim expression evidence of his perpetual state of sulkiness. Our young anti-hero’s already gloomy, mood grew darker by the day. He was in a situation which was beyond being tolerable, yet he had to tolerate it, he had no option other than to endure the daily indignity of painful and humiliating punishments.

To fail to comply risked alienating the affections of the one woman with the means to provide him with the wealth which would free him from the dismal fate which so often awaited the second son of a wealthy family. His future prospects, when Lady Dane finally exited this mortal coil (an event which could not come soon enough) was the one thing he would never risk.

However, despite what she had to offer him, Redman’s dislike for his aunt was now approaching the same loathing he had felt, for the now convalescing Ruth Gallagher. Making matters worse, was the growing suspicion that the old she-wolf actually enjoyed watching him suffer.

As he entered the walled garden, Redman noticed a small fragile creature on the path ahead of him. One of his young step-mother’s cats had recently produced a batch of tiny kittens, one of which, braver than it’s siblings, was making it’s first ever foray away from its mother, the tiny creature’s innocent mind fascinated with the the strange sights and sounds of the newly discovered wonderland.

As Redman drew level with the kitten, he suddenly swung one leg in a violent kick, sending the young feline flying into the bushes at the side of the path.

You will have to make do with just the eight lives now bitch!” snarled the kitten kicker as he strode on towards the house.



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Offenders Will Be Spanked!

Breaking forest rules can have serious consequences, as two irresponsible jocks, Tad and Rusty, were about to find out!!

Run boys, your butts depend on it!

The sound of paddle on boy-flesh, accompanied by cries of pain, echoes through the trees.

The rangers confiscated the boy’s clothes, meaning they faced a long and embarrassing walk home, with their bare, red, well spanked bottoms on full display



The Humiliation of Redman Dane (Chapter 6)

The Humiliation of Redman Dane

Chapter 6

It was now five days after the regrettable incident in the

small market town of Rogues Bottom, and the embarrassing and painful performance in the Court house. However, to Redman’s mind his life had become a living Hell. The humiliation of what had been done to him was beyond endurance.

He, Redman Dane, son of the gentry, and the handsomest and most eligible young bachelor in the four counties, had been stripped naked, paraded through town, and mocked before being locked overnight in the most exposing pillory yet devised by man. Then he had been dragged before the court, denied the chance to mount a defence, spanked like a child, in public, convicted like some lowly felon, and then sentenced to the most ignoble and mortifying of punishments, to be spanked, sans-britches, every day for a month.

What had been done to him was beyond tolerable, but he had to tolerate it, the alternative risked the permanent loss of his wealthy Aunt Amelia’s affections, and with it the inheritance he hoped to receive upon her death. Trapped by his own greed, Redman had no means of escaping his punishment, made all the more agonizing by his own arrogance and pride.

Each painful smack to his bared buttocks was an excruciating blow to his inflated ego.

Amelia Dane, of course, was fully aware of her nephew’s flawed nature, she understood that public humiliation would add an extra layer of discomfort to his well deserved corporal punishment. Since the long ago days of her youth and beauty, lady Dane had relished causing physical or emotional suffering to handsome young men, and old age had not diminished the pleasure that secret vice gave her.

It amused the lady to ensure that her miscreant, but very handsome, nephew’s discomfort was acute as possible. To this end, she had taken to instructing the trusty and strong armed Ruth Gallagher to administer Redman’s, court ordered, punishment whenever guests were present to observe the entertainment.

Therefore, it was becoming a routine that, shortly after a coach arrived, a guest was welcomed in and had taken their seat, Redman would be ordered to strip naked and place himself across Miss Galagher’s lap, to receive his punishment, as the rather startled guests, and delighted servants looked on.

It was only his overwhelming desire to get his hands on Lady Dane’s fortune, and the fear of the noose which prevented Redman from taking a musket from the cabinet and shooting both women dead.


Redman was in his room sulking, and moodily contemplating the ignominy he would be facing over the following weeks, when he had a sudden flash of inspiration. If he couldn’t remove himself from the firing line without risking being disinherited, maybe the answer would be to remove the weapon.

If the Gallagher harridan became injured or unwell, and therefore unable to perform her role in the procedure, then it would have to be suspended, and it would not be his fault.

However, how could Gallagher’s exit from the fray be achieved, a sudden illness would be hard to pull off, the woman was as robust as an oxen and renowned for never having a day’s sickness, so there would have to be an unfortunate accident, but what sort of accident?

Redman poured himself a glass of his favourite Madeira wine and began to plot,


Well before dawn, while the great house was still silent and bot even the boot boy or the scullery maid yet risen, Redman crept silently down the stairs, carrying beneath his arms a pair of old roller-skates belonging to one of his younger brothers, who was currently away at school.

He carefully placed the roller-skates at a turning place on the stairs, where they were less likely to be seen, and high enough for a fall to cause a nasty injury, but unlikely to result in death, although such an outcome would not be unwelcome.

He had chosen the skates, as that way, his brother would be held responsible, or a lowly maid would be blamed, for failing to tidy away the trip hazard.

Now all that remained was for the prey to fall into the trap. He knew Ruth Gallagher would be the first down those stairs in the morning. His step-mother’s rooms were in the East wing of the house, Lady Dane never rose before ten, and the servants would use the back stairs when taking up her breakfast tray.

The trap set, Redman cheerfully returned to his own room for an hour of sleepless anticipation, blissfully unaware that his every move has been secretly observed.

Later, once the house was stirring, he took up a position in the hall, where he had the pleasure of watching the target, his one time nanny and governess, descend the stairs, trip on the first of the roller-skates, tumble forward and land with a loud thud and a cry of pain, at the bottom of the stairs.

Redman fought to suppress an urge to laugh, before hurrying forward to offer his assistance and as much false concern as he could muster.


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More unlucky lads: Art by OTKLad (Part 1 of 2)

Enjoy the first of two new updates of AI Spanking fantasy art by the prolific and talented artist OTK lad. (Part 2 will be posted tomorrow)

you can also follow his Twitter account, where he regularly uploads new work by CLICKING HERE

OTK lad works in collaboration with Strictop (@spank_gay on Twitter/X) who runs the Popular Gay Spank Art website

Brody’s Embarrassing Secret

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Brody’s Embarrassing Secret

Brody could hear the anger in Coach Binder’s voice as he spoke. “Brace yourself, young man, are about to discover that spankings, hurt far more after a hot shower!” He paused, “And that’s just fine with me as that is exactly what you deserve, after what you did!”

Brody did not respond, this situation was embarrassing enough without admitting, in front of the team, that his Dad still spanked him … often. And that he knew exactly how painful a spanking was on a warm, wet, just showered bottom! Especially with a hairbrush.

He guessed that was why Coach had ordered him to take a hot shower just now.

For once, he wished he hasn’t been so arrogant and obnoxious, then maybe the other players would keep his spanking a secret between them, and maybe even forgive him for getting the team relegated. However, because it was him, they would relish spreading the news, and he knew the whole town would know before sunset.

Of course, his Dad would find out, if he didn’t hear it in town, the Coach would surely let him know, he would consider it his duty after all. That would guarantee, Brody would get a second dose when he got home.

A further wave of gloom hit him, as he saw, Wade McAllister taking out his cell phone, with its 4K camera. He, and his bare butt, were about to become reluctant film stars!! The embarrassment was unbearable, and would be for weeks!

Coach Binder looked down and Brody’s smooth, pert and well-rounded bare bottom, the prettiest tush on the team, and struggled to suppress a grin, he was going to enjoy the next five minutes .. maybe, six. Brody was his most deserving young athlete, and the coach was happy to give him exactly what he deserved. The satisfying knowledge that the young man would receive a further paternal spanking, later that day, well before the sting of this one had faded, was a desert to savour at his leisure. Just a shame he wouldn’t get to watch.

He raised the hairbrush high above his head….

The Humiliation of Redman Dane (Chapter 5)

The Humiliation of Reman Dane

(Chapter 5)

(Click on pictures to see the full sized image)

It was undoubtedly true that handsome young Redman Dane’s life had been a series of embarrassing disasters and painful blows, since that day he had fallen naked from Magenta Mae Dosett’s bedroom window mere weeks before. However, his current predicament, exceeded all other horrors, even the mind numbingly embarrassing incident with the cucumber, in terms of sheer mortifying humiliation.

Being a young blade know for his arrogant pride, Redman would have welcomed death before tolerating the shameful degradation he was now forced to endure. On his knees, naked from the waist down and locked into the most humbling and uncomfortable pillory the human mind could design, with his exquisite, fair skinned backside unwillingly forced upward and fully exposed to the world’s gaze.

Sadly for Redman, the world had come to gaze. Throughout the day, it seemed as if the entire population of the market town, and surrounding countryside, had come to see the shaming of the the young man, who they correctly viewed as as a naked thief, caught attempting to steal clothes and who was now waiting to receive his rightful punishment.

To his horror and intense embarrassment , a group of young village girls sat down on the grass behind him and began to giggle and discuss his rectum and testicle, which, due to his enforced position were on full, uncovered display.

One of the girls declared that Redman’s anus was the “Prettiest rosebud, she ever did see” However, another declared that it was a naughty rosebud, which needed to be punished.

That girl, Bette Jane Bullock, had long harboured a secret sadistic streak, which had previously been restricted to fantasies, or torturing insects, however, now she has the opportunity to indulge her untold fetish on a human male. She jumped up, walked calmly over to a nearby bunch of nettles, and picked a few stalks each replete with their sting loaded leaves.

She then returned to her friends, and proceeded to tickle Redman’s tight puckering anus and the tender skin around it with the toxic leaves. Within moments the sensitive skin of Redman’s most intimate area began to burn and tingle fiercely, as the the tiny white and pink hives, caused by the fiery leaves began to appear.

Anyone who has been stung by nettles, knows how uncomfortable the sensation can be, and Redman, who has an extremely low tolerance to pain and no means of escaping, reacted exactly as an arrogant and entitled young patrician would, momentarily forgetting the vulnerability of his situation “Stop that you ill begotten whores!” he snarled “Or I will have you horse whipped!”

I’d like to see you try you thieving scallywag!” cried Bette, who then proceeded to whip the captive lothario’s raised bottom with the nettles, this spreading the angry stinging sensation across his entire rump.

The girls the leaped up and ran away, shrieking with giggles, leaving Redman with an very sore bottom, the sting in which would not begin to fade until dusk began to fall some hours later.


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