7 thoughts on “Doctor’s orders”

  1. A wonderful scenario–

    Concerned dad + older doc + bared bottom + BRUSH + OTK + buddy present + giggling little bro with cell + assured repetition + SPANKINGS = teenboy HELL

    (hey, throw in a rectal thermometer as well!)

  2. Just love this pic – just what I would love to doo too! I would like to be the guy bending over for the doc

  3. I normally don't like medical scenarios but this one def works, like to dream of it not even being necassary the doctor just wnats to see him spanked

  4. wonderfully humbling
    imagine the jocks world

    jeans taken down and off
    an OTK baby oiling
    then a hairbrush spanking
    by dad
    in front of his brother
    and his brothers friends and his buds
    then some nice cornertime and early bedtime

    7 30pm on a friday night
    Jock is playing baskelball with brother and friends
    and dad comes out with the brush and babyoil.
    The red face.

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