Important Notice

Please note that as a part of the harrassment campaign against the JockSpank blog, this Blog has also now been reported to Blogger for a possible terms of use violation.
Should anything happen to this blog and an announcement will be made at

For further information, please see the posting on the JockSpank blog here:


The harrassment and threats are continuing, the latest threat against the blog was received August 1st 2019 

A further implied threat of “Revenge” can be seen in the Comments beneath the posting on August 18 2019

4 thoughts on “Important Notice”

  1. Good thing there aren't 100's of blogs out there with women having their bottom's punished in various kinky ways…oh wait, there is. Well, as long as the straight boys are happy I guess.

    1. Thanks Luvzthebooty, yes the straight boys are well catered for, which is another good reason to punish their bottoms.

      Don't worry Sore Bottom Guys will not be going away, even if Blogger were to take us down, I have all the contents backed up and can rebuild the site elsewhere , so just keep the JockSpank URL bookmarked so that I can make an announcements if it becomes necessary

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