The Humiliation of Redman Dane (Chapter 5)

The Humiliation of Reman Dane

(Chapter 5)

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It was undoubtedly true that handsome young Redman Dane’s life had been a series of embarrassing disasters and painful blows, since that day he had fallen naked from Magenta Mae Dosett’s bedroom window mere weeks before. However, his current predicament, exceeded all other horrors, even the mind numbingly embarrassing incident with the cucumber, in terms of sheer mortifying humiliation.

Being a young blade know for his arrogant pride, Redman would have welcomed death before tolerating the shameful degradation he was now forced to endure. On his knees, naked from the waist down and locked into the most humbling and uncomfortable pillory the human mind could design, with his exquisite, fair skinned backside unwillingly forced upward and fully exposed to the world’s gaze.

Sadly for Redman, the world had come to gaze. Throughout the day, it seemed as if the entire population of the market town, and surrounding countryside, had come to see the shaming of the the young man, who they correctly viewed as as a naked thief, caught attempting to steal clothes and who was now waiting to receive his rightful punishment.

To his horror and intense embarrassment , a group of young village girls sat down on the grass behind him and began to giggle and discuss his rectum and testicle, which, due to his enforced position were on full, uncovered display.

One of the girls declared that Redman’s anus was the “Prettiest rosebud, she ever did see” However, another declared that it was a naughty rosebud, which needed to be punished.

That girl, Bette Jane Bullock, had long harboured a secret sadistic streak, which had previously been restricted to fantasies, or torturing insects, however, now she has the opportunity to indulge her untold fetish on a human male. She jumped up, walked calmly over to a nearby bunch of nettles, and picked a few stalks each replete with their sting loaded leaves.

She then returned to her friends, and proceeded to tickle Redman’s tight puckering anus and the tender skin around it with the toxic leaves. Within moments the sensitive skin of Redman’s most intimate area began to burn and tingle fiercely, as the the tiny white and pink hives, caused by the fiery leaves began to appear.

Anyone who has been stung by nettles, knows how uncomfortable the sensation can be, and Redman, who has an extremely low tolerance to pain and no means of escaping, reacted exactly as an arrogant and entitled young patrician would, momentarily forgetting the vulnerability of his situation “Stop that you ill begotten whores!” he snarled “Or I will have you horse whipped!”

I’d like to see you try you thieving scallywag!” cried Bette, who then proceeded to whip the captive lothario’s raised bottom with the nettles, this spreading the angry stinging sensation across his entire rump.

The girls the leaped up and ran away, shrieking with giggles, leaving Redman with an very sore bottom, the sting in which would not begin to fade until dusk began to fall some hours later.


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Dusk, of course, was followed by night, and it was a long dark and nervous night for Redman, left alone in those cruel punishment stocks in the centre of the village green. Mercifully it was a warm late summer night, so he did not freeze. However he still shivered as listened, acutely aware of the sounds of slight movements behind him, and the eery feeling that he was being watched by someone, or some thing lurking in the gloom.

Daybreak came slowly, after an eternity of night, and finally two local police officers arrived to free him and take him, still breeches free, to the court for his appearance before the travelling magistrate, the honourable Augustus Hogwood.

Having arrived at his lodgings late the previous evening, after a number of long and tedious cases in another town on his circuit, Judge Hogwood was in a very bad mood, a fact unlikely to bode well for any defendant due to appear before him.

Unaware of the Judge’s frame of mind, Redman was more preoccupied by the fact that the farmer’s best Sunday shirt he had stolen and which was the only garment he was currently wearing, had become crumpled and caught up at the back, with the result that his bare bottom was still on full view to the world.

As that policeman had locked his wrists into shackles in front of him, he was unable to reach back and straighten it in order to pull down the shirt tail and regain some level of modesty and dignity.

Redman also did not look back, for he knew full well what was happening behind him. He could hear the court filling up, the whispers, murmurs and giggles echoed in his ears, the townsfolk had come to watch the spectacle, like Romans arriving to watch some wretched Christian being thrown to the lions. He knew what they were thinking, he knew what they were saying, and he knew exactly what they were looking at.

They were all looking at his bare rump, he knew it and that knowledge was mortifying. Being a heterosexual male, the fact that he possessed a especially attractive and well formed bottom, resembling two perfect globes of ivory silk, was meaningless to him. All that mattered was that it was naked, it was exposed to room fill of peasants, and that exposure was humiliating beyond endurance.

It was then that Redman’s true nature began to reveal itself. He turned to the judge and spoke in his most imperious tone “My good sir, this is intolerable, my treatment has been outrageous, do you know who I am?!! will you please, at least provide me with some garment to cover myself”

Judge Hogwood raised his head and looked at Redman with an expression of such cold disdain that it would send a chill down the spine of the bravest of warriors. He then spoke, his voice dripping with contempt. “I know exactly, who and what you are young man, you are a common thief and a scoundrel. You will remain exactly as you are, what you are already wearing is stolen goods, if that shames you, then all the better. You deserve to be shamed!”

The judge looked back down at the the paper in front of him “You are charged with ……!”

Hogwood’s words were the interrupted by a commotion at the the entrance to the court, as a voice, which Redman instantly recognised, rang out. “Stop these proceedings! This young man, for all his wicked ways, is a son of one of the leading families in the county, and can not be dealt with like some common criminal”

As one the crowded court turned their gaze to the door as Lady Dane, accompanied by the redoubtable Miss Gallagher and followed, at a few respectful paces by, Redman’s Man servant Able Griffiths entered the room.

He may well require punishment!” continued Lady Dane “However, the family will deal with this matter!”

In the usual circumstances, Judge Hogwood would have been outraged to have his court interrupted. However, he too had instantly recognised Lady Dane, and, being a man of his time, had a sense of deference infused into his very bones. He was in fact honoured that a woman of this woman’s station had entered his court.

Good morning your ladyship” he cried “You do us a great honour, … are you saying that this young man is …”

He is Reman Dane, the second son of Sir Mortimer Dane, the richest landowner in the four counties!” casting a withering look in Redman’s direction “Much as he deserves to be shipped to the colonies, his position requires that his family deals with him, not the courts!”

This statement sounded quite appropriate to the mid Victorian era judge, who nodded solemnly “I totally understand milady, but he must be punished!”

Oh he will be punished!” replied lady Dane And he will be punished right now ….. My man….. pull up that chair!” she signalled to Griffiths, who instantly obeyed. Lady Dane instructed an officer to remove Redman’s shackles and then turned to Miss Gallagher “Gallagher, you know what is required!”

I certainly do Milady” replied the Governess with a smile. She sat down on the chair, before beckoning to the horrified defendant. “Come here Sonny Boy and get over my knee!”

Much as he hated that she had used his childhood name, Reman was more outraged at the order he had been given “No! … I won’t” he gasped “You can’t … do THAT to me in front of fifty people! … I refuse”

Lady Dane’s voice boomed round the court “Do as yo are told young man! If you don’t want my inheritance split between cousin Cecily and the Orphans of St Crispin the Presumptuous, you will get over Miss Gallagher’s knee now! A spanked bottom is what you deserve, and a spanked bottom is what you are going to get!”

If there was anything in the world that Redman feared more than pain and humiliation, it was the loss of his future fortune. His body wracked with a combination of fury and embarrassment he walked slowly towards his old nanny and governess, moving as if he was dragging a cart of milk churns behind him.

As Ruth Gallagher watched her long term charge walking towards her, she struggled to prevent a smug smile of satisfaction from crossing her face. She had spanked many a naughty boy in her time, but Redman was the one she enjoyed spanking the most, and always spanked the hardest.

Once the young man was across her knee, she placed her hand in the middle of his back, pushing the shirt even further up and exposing even more pink and ivory skin.

Redman could hear the sound of the crowd, shuffling in their seats, straining to get a better view, whispering and giggling amongst themselves. Could any human experience be any more mortifying than this? He tensed his body in anticipation of what was to come. And then it came.

Miss Gallagher spanked him hard from the start, she was a woman with vast experience of the art of physical discipline and corporal punishment. She knew exactly how to spank a boy to cause the maximum discomfort, Aiming seven out of every ten smacks at the lower part of the buttock cheeks and upper thighs, where the skin was most sensitive, whilst not ignoring the upper parts of the buttock cheeks, so as to achieve an overall pinkening redness the the whole surface of his bottom.

Her blows were hard sharp and relentless and felt as if they would never stop, to Redman she was like one of those newfangled machines Mr Stephenson had invented, filled up with coal and steam and set to go.

Redman had an exceedingly tender and sensitive bottom, and a low pain tolerance threshold, so he hated being spanked, he also hated this woman. Being spanked by her took him back through the years and to the many punishments she had inflicted. He suddenly felt the unstoppable sobs of his nine-year-old self welling up inside him, and he fought to hold them back.

To cry, publicly in such a situation would take humiliation to a whole new level.

Finally it was over, his governess’s relentless hand fell still, and he was told to stand up. He obeyed, wobbling unsteadily, his head bowed and the cheeks of his face and bottom glowing a deep red from the shame and the spanking.

As if through a haze, he heard his aunt’s voice “The shirt boy, take off the shirt!” he looked at her blankly, at first not understanding, until she repeated herself “I said give me the shirt Nephew!”

Reluctantly, he finally removed the shirt and handed it to Lady Dane, who, in turn handed it directly to a beaming court clerk “Please return this garment to it’s rightful owner, with out apologies.” she said “tell them my nephew will reimburse them for any damage or laundry costs”

Now totally naked, Redman glanced back over his shoulder, and, as he has anticipated they would be, every eye in the room was focused on him, and his now bright red bottom.

Judge Hogward clapped his hands and let out a guffaw of laughter. “Well that certainly lifted my spirits” he said, grinning broadly “”I have to thank your ladyship and this robust lady for affording me the most entertaining and enjoyable days in court for many years!” he laughed and continued “There is nothing I enjoy more than to see a young scallywag get the comeuppance he deserves!”

He turned to Lady Dane “The court is fully confident in placing the defendant in your custody, on the condition that he should receive the same treatment he has received every day for the next month, at the very least”

You can be assured of that, your honour!” replied Lady Dane with a nod.

I can see you ladies are up to the task!”

We certainly are, and if, for any reason we are not, my nephew’s worthy footman can deputise for us!”

Redman did not hear the end of the conversation, for he had given up listening, and was now lost in a world of discomfort, fury, indignity and humiliation.

However, if he had heard the words, or more inportantly see the expression on Able Griffiths face, he might have begulk to appreciate their ramifications, and the future they would have on his future.

The judge turned to the unhappy defendant “Here me boy!, If you dare to disobey her ladyship, you will find yourself doing hard labour in the tin mines to the south!”

Redman heard those words, and he believed them.

It was now time to make the journey home and this brought with it further humiliation and embarrassment. The party had arrived in a two seater carriage, so there was no room for Redman inside the carriage, who was reduced to squatting on the luggage wrack at the back, still naked and exposed for all the world to see.

The journey itself was less than comfortable, and, when travelling over one particularly bumpy part of the track, Redman lost his grip and fell heavily onto his recently spanked arse in a patch of prickly thistles in the middle of the stony path.

As Redman staggered to his feet clutching his aching bottom he wondered how much more of this ordeal he would have to face.

Sadly for our sore bottomed young hero, there was more to come, a lot more.

To Be Continued

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2 Replies to “The Humiliation of Redman Dane (Chapter 5)”

  1. Superbly rendered pictures as always and there seems no limit to your imagination in finding new ways to humiliate our luckless hero. It must take ages to create all those different characters enjoying his predicament, but they do add so much to the scenario. A real treat to see another instalment and great news about the site, I hope it attracts the large following it deserves.

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