Locker Room Humiliation


Anyone want to write a story for this picture?______________________

Update Sept 1 2011
Here’s a story by Colin which was too long for the comment’s section:
It was the first fall semester training session for the college sophomore men’s team in La Platte WI.  Those weeks of recess meant that the team were buzzing with news of their activities and concentration was not top notch.  In addition there was a new coach who wanted their attention and was determined one way or another to get the team shaped up in time for league victories as the season got underway.
The problem was Wayne. Like many good athletes he had a fine body mixed with good looks but he also had a massive ego.  He thought, no he knew, he was the star and he did treat his mates as acolytes.  Just before the recess there had been a good run of results and Wayne had featured several times in the local newspaper reviews. Some of it he deserved but his  personal coverage was helped by his steadily cultivating a friendship with the geeky sports reporter.  To add to the pressure, Wayne had been on vacation to California and had become obsessed with becoming a movie star.  He now courted publicity at every step.
Wayne would in fact become a star of movies but he was not yet to know this and also which industry he ended up with a starring role in but back to the team session for now.
Coach was having some trouble with the team and was stoking up his anger. One of the guys had quickly picked up on his Carolina accent and had mimicked it to his fellow players.  This was disrespect of the highest order and he knew he would have to keep this player Wayne in line.  Wayne probably wanted him to react instantly but Coach was able to  keep his anger down and not be drawn into any situation that he did not fully control. Coach was however going to sort this guy out before long.
Just before the end of the session, he suddenly realised that Wayne was not in the main field of play. Then he saw him – posing on the touchline with a friend taking photos. He called him over and told him if he ever got a hold of the camera that Wayne would not like the pictures taken. He got him back into play and the session continued.
Practice over, a team of sweaty guys, overheated in the still warm evenings headed back to the locker room and a welcome refreshing shower session.
Coach waited ten minutes before he went to the locker room knowing by that time that most guys would be washed and around the room in undress and mainly just with towels. As he entered the room he saw a photo flash and sure enough Wayne was posing once more with another guy busy taking photos.  Wayne obviously thought he was something and was striking various poses in his jockstrap.  He did not see Coach approaching until an iron grip had him by the shoulder.
So boy! you want to be the centre of attention the whole time and you want a record of it. This will be my pleasure to help you out.  Let’s make some pictures now. 
Coach called for the guys to gather around quick and so it was a selection of guys in states of dressing soon gathered around. 
Coach told the gathering that he was proud to be from the south where men were men and were made so in the woodshed and anybody wanting to disrupt his sessions would soon know the consequence of a trip to the woodshed.  He reached up with his free hand and produced a paddle from the top of the lockers.  At the same time he sat down on the bench and pulled Wayne clear over his lap in a classic spanking position.  All the guys were paying attention now as Wayne struggled and protested and made a lot of noise.
Coach made more noise as he swung that paddle hard onto Wayne’s butt. A few more swipes followed and the struggle of Wayne changed and his noise became howls. Coach stated he knew Wayne liked his pictures taken and so he called on all the guys to get busy getting the shots on the cameras and any phones they had with. Wayne was mortified. These were not the pictures he yet wanted but had no power to resist.
Coach paddled away until that butt framed by the white straps was cherry red. He had gotten their attention as every guy was focused on the action and some of the clips taken would soon be viral.
Wayne was sorted this time real good and he would learn not to disrespect Coach through his butt.  Coach also made a mental note to tackle Jason another time as he could see that boy close up with the camera had a prominent erection as he snapped away and Coach did like to mix punishment and pleasure but that was private and not known to the lads today. 
Who wants to tell us about Coach and Jason? 

15 thoughts on “Locker Room Humiliation”

  1. Sorry for the language, but my english level il not good enoug to write it in your language, but you can use the google translator if you can not read french 🙂

    Lorsque Rudy entra sur le terrain, au début de la finale du championnat national de football, le joueur vedette de l'équipe des Blue Stars était confiant.
    Mais le match ne s'était pas passé exactement comme Rudy l'avait prévu, et l'équipe adverse, qu'il avait sous-estimée, s'était montrée largement à la hauteur. Ainsi dans les dernières secondes de jeu, les Blue Stars avaient un point de retard lorsque rudy se retrouva en position de la balle. Il pouvait faire la passe à un autre joueur, mieux démarqué. Mais pourtant, négligeant les conseils de son coach qui lui avait dit à la mi-temps de ne pas trop jouer individuellement, il fonça droit devant. Et il rata son tir.

    Il eut droit à des regards noirs de la part de ses coéquipiers dans les vestiaires, mais ce n'était rien comparé à ce qui l'attendait.

    Alors que les Blue Stars sortaient des douches et allaient se rhabiller dans les vestiaires, le coach, en t shirt orange ouvrit la porte et hurla: "RUDY !"
    Le jeune garçon blond, en jockstrap, se retourna vers le coach et balbutia: "Yes… ? "
    Le coach était rouge de rage.
    "Tu nous as fait perdre la finale…" beuglat-il.
    "Mais… je… c'était pas ma faute !" répondit Rudy en rougissant.
    "Tu avais une occasion en or de faire la passe décisive, mais tu as voulu la jouer perso hein ? Tu as voulu être au centre de l'attention ? Viens ici, tu va être au centre de l'attention, crois moi ! "
    Attirant le jeune homme jusqu'à lui, le coach l'allongea sans difficulté sur ses genoux.
    Rudy tenta de protester:
    "Mais… Que faites-vous ? Non !"

    Les autres joueurs, intrigués, s'approchèrent. Certains étaient habillés mais la plupart étaient encore nus, à la sortie de la douche. Ils avaient hâte de voir ce que le coach réservait à celui qui les avait fait perdre.

    Le coach ouvrit le sac qu'il avait amené avec lui et en sortit un grand paddle en bois. Lorsque tout le monde comprit ce qu'il allait se passer, les joueurs sourirent et Rudy prit une expression horrifiée.

    Le coach commença à appliquer méthodiquement des coups de plus en plus forts sur le postérieur de Rudy qui rougissait à vue d'oeil.
    Son bourreau faisait visiblement passer toute sa haine dans ses coups qui devaient être extrémement douloureux. Rudy se retrouva rapidement en train se supplier celui qui le fessait:
    " Je vous en prie, s'il vous plait, arrêtez, NOOOON ! AÏE ! AÏE !Je ne peut plus le supporter! Pitié !"

    Au delà du fait qu'il ne put pas s'asseoir pendant les trois jours qui suivirent sans que ses fesses ne le brûlent, ce fut un moment d'humiliation suprême et sans précédent pour Rudy, d'autant plus dégradant que tous ses coéquipiers assistaient à la scène et que certains avaient même décidé de l'immortaliser en prenant avec leur portables des vidéos qui, à coup sûr seraient sur internet avant le lendemain…

  2. Sorry for the language, but my english level il not good enoug to write it in your language, but you can use the google translator if you can not read french 🙂

    Lorsque Rudy entra sur le terrain, au début de la finale du championnat national de football, le joueur vedette de l'équipe des Blue Stars était confiant.
    Mais le match ne s'était pas passé exactement comme Rudy l'avait prévu, et l'équipe adverse, qu'il avait sous-estimée, s'était montrée largement à la hauteur. Ainsi dans les dernières secondes de jeu, les Blue Stars avaient un point de retard lorsque rudy se retrouvé en position de la balle. Il pouvait faire la passe à un autre joueur, mieux démarqué. Mais pourtant, négligeant les conseils de son coach qui lui avait dit à la mi-temps de ne pas trop jouer individuellement, il fonça droit devant. Et il rata son tir.
    Il eut droit à des regards noirs de la part de ses coéquipiers dans les vestiaires, mais ce n'était rien comparé à ce qui l'attendait.

    Alors que les Blue Stars sortaient des douches et allaient se rhabiller dans les vestiaires, le coach, en t shirt orange ouvrit la porte et hurla: "RUDY !"
    Le jeune garçon blond, en jockstrap, se retourna vers le coach et balbutia: "Yes… ? "
    Le coach était rouge de rage.
    "Tu nous as fait perdre la finale…" beuglat-il.
    "Mais… je… c'était pas ma faute !" répondit Rudy en rougissant.
    "Tu avais une occasion en or de faire la passe décisive, mais tu as voulu la jouer perso hein ? Tu as voulu être au centre de l'attention ? Viens ici, tu va être au centre de l'attention, crois moi ! "
    Attirant le jeune homme jusqu'à lui, le coach l'allongea sans difficulté sur ses genoux.
    Rudy tenta de protester:
    "Mais… Que faites-vous ? Non !"

  3. Amiable brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

  4. Hmmmm no time to write stories but am guessing the guys caught him spying on them in the shower or maybe trying to steal one of their underwear and they had enough of it and decided to teach him a good lesson.

  5. I like Brad's story idea! The guy is caught stealing other guy's underwear from the lockers and they decide to teach him a lesson!

    The only part I would add is since he is gay he secretly gets-off on the butt pain and humiliation and keeps shooting off in his jock while they all laugh at him!

  6. coach paddled us bare–(many yrs ago) after football parctice–It was not over the knee as in thsi pic we just had to bend over holding shins—Anyone in the locker room got to see—-I hated when younger guys got to see me get it—but coach was undisputed boss

  7. Jason tumbled to the floor upon Coach's release, quickly dressed, fleeing the locker room. Jason arrived home as his father, Mr. Carter, hung up the phone. I just spoke to your coach, he apologized for the paddling, stating it's necessity, "I'd be happy to come by for further explanation, said coach." "Sure come by, stop by the store and buy a case of beer, I'll pay you when you arrive."
    It was a warm evening about 45 minutes later that coach arrived (In his tank top and coaches shorts, high tops and socks). The coaches step-son (Rick) was a sub-contractor doing work on the Carter house. He saw coach pull up, carrying a case of beer , he wondered what was happening and started staring from the deck to find out. Mr. carter notices, getting angry (Rick's not doing his job and is behind schedule) calls out to Rick, "Get your ass in this study now." "What did I say would happen next time I caught you day dreaming?" Head hung, Rick barely whispers, "spanking"
    Requesting coaches help (dumb-founded, nothing comes from his mouth) he orders Rick over to the leather sofa (Rick is a fine specimen, 6' 3", 190lbs, tank top blue jean cut-offs work boots and white socks).(You could see his legs flex as he walked to the couch.) Finally responding, coach introduces his step-son, Rick. (to be continued)

  8. being a lot bigger and stronger than our small coach it was especially humiliating to get paddled bare in locker room as a high school guy who was as strong as a strong adult–i had to take it bare and even guys in locker room who were in junior high guys got to see me –He was the boss and he made it hurt—-then I had to stand with face toward wall and bare butt showing as others passed by leaving locker room–I was from then on his most obedient player It was embarrassing and MY BARE BUTT REALLY HURT BAD

  9. Do you think your coach liked to paddle you BECAUSE you were so big and strong? Maybe he was jealous of your build and strength–or maybe he was sadisitic —your thoughts???

  10. I wrote of my exoerience once somehwere but got no response I hope some one may read and respond. Admitedly it was in a different era–(1960's) In those days we swam naked in class and showering was mandatory—-Our coach had an odd habit: he gave my naked butt very frequent spanks–as in gettting out of the pool or when he passed by my locker if my
    butt was bare—or any such time as he could give my naked butt a spank. He never had to spank me for discipline— He never touched me sexually or or did anything wrong. My classmates laughed at him behind his back as his single spanks on my bare butt were so frequent. He had a long career as a phy ed coach and was never in any trouble for anything sexual. It has had no bad effect on me—but after all these yrs i am curious–do you think these were just kind of "atta boy" spanks or do you think there was something odd or even wrong in his need to give my bare butt frequent spanks??? Would apprecaite any comments?

  11. I think your coach was completely inappropiate in giving you bare butt spanks—-Actually I think he may have had a sort of crush on you did you happen to have a good looking bare butt?

  12. Wow this has been a long time since i was at this site–over a yr. I am the guy who got very frequent single spanks on my bare butt lots of them—i THINK AMONG WHATEVER ATTRIBUTES I MAY HAVE PHYSICALLY (very few) I do have a bare butt with some definition and shape not great but good. maybe thats why he gave me very frequent spanks when my butt was bare—-anyway, thanks for asking

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