The Sting of the Jungle IV – Boy gets his bottom singed

sat on the edge of the lake, trying to think of something different
to do for a change. He was bored, there was only so much to do in the
jungle, apart from swinging on vines and taking a swim in the lake
there really was no fun, at least, not the sort of fun a 19 year old
boy wants to have.
dreamed of living in the city. In the city he could go to raves, hang
out with some cool dudes or go watch some chicks pole dance. Whereas
in the West African rainforest the closest he had got to fun had
peeping at the village girls bathing in the river, until they had
spotted him and reported him to Tarzan, with the inevitable

left the lake and headed back into the jungle, deciding he would build
a camp fire and roast a yam and some sweet potatoes.
for the jungle creatures, when Boy was bored his sadistic streak came
out, and having no humans smaller than himself available to bully,
he often enjoyed torturing small animals. He was in just such a mood when, after he had made the
camp fire, Boy spotted an unwary frog hopping by.

agile young body was swifter than the frog, he quickly caught it and
laughing cruelly he dangled the unlucky creature over the flames.
usual, however, Boy’s luck ran out just as he had begin to enjoy
himself, as Tarzan strode into the clearing and saw what he was
strode forward, snatched the frog from boy’s hand and dropped it
safely into the grass.
Suspecting a spanking was on the cards, Boy attempted to escape, but too late, Tarzan
grabbed him by the wrist with one hand while he tore off the younger
man’s loin cloth with the other. Tarzan then lifted boy up and held
him bottom down over the camp fire “How do you like it?” he snarled
“How do you feel being dangled over the fire?” he lowered Boy
closer to the flames “Shall I drop you?” he demanded “should I
throw your bottom into the fire, just as you were about to do to that poor frog?”
could feel the heat from the flames, just a few feet from his
backside, his instinctive desire to struggle tempered by the fear
that doing so might actually cause Tarzan to drop him.
tell you what” growled Tarzan, “I am going to toast your backside
anyway!” with that, he sat down on a fallen tree trunk and threw
Boy over his lap. “If you are going to be cruel to animals, I
shall be cruel to you!” he said, and, with that, he proceeded to
give Boy’s bare bottom a long, hard and very well deserved spanking.
after a very long spanking, Tarzan stormed off, leaving Boy rubbing
his very sore bottom.

spotted the frog and with the lopsided logic of the very selfish,
decided that the poor creature was somehow to blame for what had
happened. He aimed a kick at the frog which sent it flying through
the air. However, the violence of the kick caused boy to loose his
seemed that Karma had come back to burn our bad boy on the ass, as he
stumbled and fell backwards
bare bottom first into the smouldering camp fire
boy screamed in genuine agony as his, already very sore and tender
bottom landed heavily amongst the flames and red hot coals. Fate had
decided to to deliver justice in a very painful manner.


jumped to his feet, clutching his well singed behind.
out an agonized shriek he ran through the jungle clutching his
bottom, desperate to reach water to cool his roasted behind.
reaching the rived boy lowered his punished and burnt behind into the
water in an attempt to cool off the burning pain. However, it would be many days before his bottom stopped stinging

boys carelessly placed camp fire set fire to a large area of jungle
causing serious damage to the local environment.
Tarzan rubbed soothing cream into Boy’s griddled rump, and as he did
so lectured the younger man about the damage he had caused and
telling him exactly what would be done to him once his bottom had

would take a couple of weeks for Boy’s bottom to recover, and return
to it’s usual pert, white and very spankable state. However, Boy decided
he had no intention of still being around when it did, as he knew
what Tarzan had planned.
night as Tarzan slept, Boy stole the older man’s savings and then
took the canoe down river to the nearest city, where he used the
money to purchase a one way ticket to America.
Boy made his escape, he hoped he would also escape the pain in the
ass which his life had become! However, little did he know the
sangoma’s curse had not gone away and would follow him across the Atlantic …..

15 thoughts on “The Sting of the Jungle IV – Boy gets his bottom singed”

  1. What a great scene. I love the closeup where his ass is just about to hit the flames. I wonder if 1 of the hot branches in the fire went up his crack. The scene where his ass in in the fire looks like his nuts are getting roasted also. Him sitting his ass in water to cool it off adds the final touches to a great scenario.

  2. Bruce, as always, this is FANTASTIC. I can't wait to see boy's adventure's in America. Lot's of OTK spankings, I hope! Thanks.

  3. great work! Humiliate him further in the new environment. Maybe he’s taken advantage of in the big city, gets a job by a “friend” as a dildo tester, needing to test 50 per shift, camera filing his move “to ensure quality” (and a online porn site)

  4. I agree with Peter 13, the flames licking his already red hot ass in the close up is GREAT!! It's about time this brat got his rump roasted!! Great work as always, hoping for more…

  5. Tell us who the actors are who play Tarzan and Boy. What are there names? Can we see them elsewhere?

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