Justice for Joel (Part 4)

For Joel – Continues
bottom burned like fire. No matter how much he tried to ignore it,
the relentless sting wouldn’t go away, that, and the total
humiliation he had been subjected to, was all he could think about.
Not only was he very sore, but he was also very angry, how dare Uncle
Miles and his gang of inbred hicks treat him like this? They had
stripped him naked, and refused to give him back his clothes, they
had spanked him, jabbed him in the butt with pitchforks, and then
they had stung him with stinging nettles!
a result, his naturally sensitive rump felt as if it was being
attacked by a thousand fire ants, while simultaneously being jabbed
with red hot needles. He was, therefore, not a happy boy.
was in a seriously unwelcome predicament, for one thing he trapped on
a farm, in the middle of the Montana hills, hundreds of miles from
girls, from the city and all the things he enjoyed, but he was also
at risk of court mandated, bare bottom, spankings, mostly inflicted
without warning! He felt as if he was living a nightmare, unable to
wake up, and he suspected the dream was about to get even worse.
may please many readers to hear that young Joel’s guess was not be
far off the mark!. Joel was one of those young men who deserved a
permanently sore bottom, and that was exactly what he was going to
dusk began to fall, Joel discovered to his horror that he would have
to sleep with the men in the bunkhouse behind the main ranch house.
This did not please him, and he had complained to his Uncle, however,
Miles had been adamant, if he was going to work on the ranch, he
would have to live life a ranch hand.
Joel protested that the ranch hands were not bare butt naked, Miles
informed him tersely, that he would get his pants returned to him, if
and when he had earned them. Until then he would have to stay bare
sent Joel into an irritated sulk, it was embarrassing being naked,
especially when he had such a red bottom. He was also unhappy about
sharing with the ranch workers. To start with, he was very nervous in
the company of the ranch hands, after what they had done to him
earlier, but also, as a city boy, he felt naturally superior to
country dwelling farm workers and objected to sharing their sleeping
ranch hands quickly sensed that Joel’s arrogant attitude was still
lurking beneath the surface and resolved to bring him down with a
bump, preferably hard on his cute little bare bottom.
turned to Ash and Hadley “Back in my sports bag I have just the
thing which will light that little dickhead’s butt up like a
lightning bug!” he whispered.
like fun” chuckled Ash “It’s red now, but it could do with being
even redder!!”
needs a little extra …. heat I think!” smiled Braden
kid!” he barked in a louder voice, “It’s almost chow time, come
with us, and we’ll show you where you will be bunking down tonight!”
he took a firm grip of Joel’s arm, while Hadley took hold of the
other arm, and, followed by the other men, all grinning broadly, they
marched a very reluctant Joel towards the brightly lit bunkhouse.
or “chow” as the men called it did not appeal to Joel, consisting
of pork meatloaf and corn biscuits, it was far too “country style”
for his (in his view) more sophisticated city based tastes. Also, he
found it very uncomfortable trying to sit on the hard bench by the
table. After a few mouthfuls he stood up and walked away from the
table, aware of the half dozen pairs of amused eyes which were
focused on him.
ass of yours still looks mighty sore kid!” said Braden, a kindly
note in his voice, as he looked at Joel’s still bare and still very
red bottom.
it fucking is!” snapped Joel “after what you fuckers did to it!”
quickly turning his back away from the amused eyes of the other men,
whilst simultaneously covering his exposed genitals with his hands.
can help it feel better!” smiled Braden, “come here, I’ll rub
some soothing cream into it!”
ain’t touching my ass!” replied Joel defensively backing away from
the men, only to find his way blocked by the bunk beds.
be a jackass kid!” laughed Ash he only wants to make your little
bottom feel better. Both he and Hadley too hold of Joel and pulled
him towards the seated Braden, before forcing the struggling youth to
sit on Braden’s lap.
a large and muscular guy, placed one hand beneath Joel’s thighs and,
with one swift and easy movement, lifted his legs up into the air,
with the result that Joel suddenly found himself in an embarrassing
and very exposed position, similar to that of a baby about to have
it’s diaper changed.
the ….?” he yelped “put me the fuck down!!!”
be so dumb kid!” laughed Braden, “we’re just gonna’ sooth that
poor stinging botty of yours!!”
the ‘soothing cream’ Man!” said Hadley picking up a tube from the
table where Braden had placed it earlier (winking to the other men as
he did so. “Hold him steady while I rub it in!” he squeezed the
tube, so that a large dollop of the cream landed in the palm of his
then raised his hand in the air, before taking a swing at Joel so
that the cream covered palm of his hand landed with a loud “SMACK!!”
across the left cheek of Joel’s uplifted bottom.
yelled Joel “That fucking hurt … you ….!!”
down Young’un!” snapped Hadley “We are doing this to make you
more comfortable ….. otherwise, your butt will sting all night!”
he began rubbing the cream firmly into Joel’s butt cheeks.
sure you cover the whole area!” laughed Ash “We want to make sure
that his whole butt feels the …. uh … benefit of that …. er
gentle soothing ointment!”
tried to pull himself free from Braden’s grip, but Braden’s muscular
arms were honed from years of strenuous labour, and with the
assistance of another ranch hand, Jareth Hunter, who held his
shoulders, the protesting youth was kept firmly in place.
are not doing it right!” cried Ash “here let me show you!” he
playfully pushed Hadley to one side and firmly grabbed hold of Joel’s
butt cheeks, pushing them apart, and exposing Joel’s puckering anus
to the horror of Joel and the delight of the grinning men.
needs to go …. everywhere!” he laughed.
with the help of Hadley, then rolled Joel onto his side, still
perched on Braden’s knee, this exposed Joel even more and allowed Ash
greater access to his most intimate areas.
of course, took full advantage of Joel’s position, and firmly rubbed
the cream into every inch, and crevice, of Joel’s cute young butt.
was then that Joel began to become aware of a new sensation spreading
across his nether regions, first a feeling of warmth, then heat
followed a hot fiery sensation. Rather than soothing the burning in
his bottom, whatever, the men were rubbing into him was increasing
his discomfort.
the fuck is that stuff??!!!” screamed joel “It’s burning me!
be stupid Joel!” laughed, Ash, using his thumbs to smear the cream
between the unhappy lad’s cheeks “it will take away the burn!”
making it worse!” protested Joel, now in significant discomfort,
“it’s burning my ass!! …. AAAGGH!! it is really burning me!!”
me look at that tube!” murmured Braden with feigned concern, as,
grinning brightly, Hadley handed him the now empty tube, which
Braden then studied with a frown, while still holding the now yelling
and kicking Joel in place.
heck Buddy!” groaned Braden “That’s the wrong cream, it’s not the
soothing cream, that’s embrocation …. see …” he held out the
tube “Capsaicin cream … it’s chilli based …..!!”
… oh my!” cooed Ash with pretend sympathy “you should never use
that on tender areas ….. it’ll sting like Hell fire!!”
your butt a stinging a bit kid?” asked Braden in his best effort at
a solicitous tone.
fucking is!!” screamed Joel “Get it off me!!!! …AAAAGGGGHH!!!”
loosened his grip on Joel allowing him to leap to his feet and begin
jumping up and down, yelling in anger and pain, as the men stood
around watching him, struggling to stop themselves from laughing out
guess we better give young Joel a bath!” announced Ash “that
should wash off that nasty chilli paste!!”
Come on Kid, we’ll give you a nice bath!!” shouted Hadley “that
will make you feel better!”
Joel could reply, the men took hold of him, and hurried him into the
next room, where and old hip bath had conveniently been placed in the
middle of the room.
more conveniently, numerous pans of water were already heating up on
on a large, old fashioned stove in the corner of the room, whilst two
kettles were already whistling and beginning to steam.
Braden and Ash held onto Joel, the other men swiftly filled the hip
bath with the water from the heated pans and kettles.
what are you d..doing?” stammered Joel
we’re gonna’ give you a bath fella’!” replied Ash “We gotta’ wash
that nasty chilli off your butt!”
that’s too hot!!” yelled Joel “NO!! that’s too damn hot!!”
so dumb kid!” replied Braden struggling to suppress a laugh “It
needs to be hot to get the chilli off!”
of course, was not dumb enough to believe that, a keen athlete while
still at school, he had suffered a number of strains and new that
when hot water came into contact with embrocation on tender skin it
actually intensifies the stinging sensation. At that point
increasing the sensation was the very last thing he wanted!!
fucking way!!” he shouted, fear sending his voice a few octaves
higher than usual. He attempted to pull away from Braden and Ash,
but they just gripped him more tightly.
time for your bath Kid!” growled Ash, “C’mon Buddy, let’s help
…NO!! … DON’T!!” shouted Joel, as Ash firmly took hold of him
under the arms, while Braden grabbed him by the ankles, easily
lifting him off the floor.
me down you dickheads!” shouted the struggling Joel!
will do!” replied Ash with a grin “We will let you down … into
the bath!”
two men carried the horrified and protesting Joel across the room
until they stood on either side of the steaming hip bath, holding the
dangling Joel, bare bottom down over the still close to boiling
men began lowering Joel towards the water, while, in an effort to
stop them, Joel grabbed hold of the two wooden handles on either side
of the batch, in a desperate attempt to push his body, and especially
his, still glowing pink bottom upwards.
a few seconds, Joel’s efforts succeeded in stopping his descent
towards the hot water, but not for long.
placed his arms around Joel’s chest and gripped him in a tight bear
hug “Sorry fella” he growled menacingly, “but you’re going
down!” then, he lowered himself to his knees and with a sudden jerk
of his muscular arms he forced Joel’s body down into the steaming
let out a scream of pain as the scalding hot water reacted with the
chilli based cream, which had earlier been rubbed into his render
skin, increasing the burning sensation by some ten fold.
that nice warm water easing your little sore butt?” chuckled
Jareth, who had been observing the scene with increasing amusement.
is fucking burning me, you fucking ass hole!!” yelled Joel
your tight little ass hole that’s getting roasted kid!” laughed
Jareth “And you might get something worse than hot water up there
if you are not careful!!”
with laughter, Braden and Ash released their grip on Joel, allowing
him the opportunity to jump to his feel, still standing in the hip
bath, but sending hot water splashing onto the floor, and the jeans
clad legs of the ranch hands.
Joel could jump out of the bath, and escape the hot water which was
still burning his bare feel and lower legs, he again found himself
in the firm grip of Ash and Braden, who had now dropped the earlier
pretence of kindness.
think its time this little city boy got another whuppin’” snarled
replied Jareth “An’ I got just the thing!” he picked up a long
handled wooden bath brush
Let him have it Buddy!” Turning Joel so that he bare bottom was
pointed towards Jareth.
sure is a tempting target!” laughed Jareth, reaching out and
tapping Joel’s behind with the brush, before giving it a resounding
struggled and kicked his legs in an attempt to free himself, but the
men held him firmly in place as Jareth aimed a further painful WHACK
at his now quite tortured bottom!
he yelled, as the impact of the hard wood on his sensitive skin sent
shockwaves into his flesh.
bottom was now stinging as if it was under attack from a swarm of
angry yellow jacket wasps.
the bunkhouse, Miles peered through a crack in the curtain, a rye
smile on his face. He was pleased to see that the men were giving
Joel a taste of what the next few months had in store for him. He
knew the men could be rough, and he would step in if they went too
far. Joel’s bottom needed to be kept sore, but not permanently
damaged. However, for the time being, Joel was getting exactly what
he deserved.
inside the men had, to some degree, taken pity on Joel and and
dispensed with the bath brush after a mere 10 Whacks. Instead Braden
and another of the men, Ivan Cooper, placed Joel across their knees
and began what might be called a synchronised spanking. Each man
taking turns in smacking Joel’s wide spread butt, as he yelled and
cussed at them, but was unable to do anything to stop them.
long as Joel was living on the farm him cute 18 year old butt was
theirs to do as they liked with it, and the men were resolved to keep
it glowing pink, tender and well spanked at all times.
hours later, and the men were preparing for bed. “Hey guys” said
Hadley “where is the kid gonna sleep?, there isn’t a spare bunk for
sort one out for him tomorrow, until then he’ll have to sleep on the
porch!” replied Braden, with a wink
a brief moment Joel’s mind buzzed with thoughts of escape, if he was
on the porch, he could wait until the guys were asleep, then steal a
truck, and get away from this God forsaken place.
his hopes of freedom were short lived, as soon as they had escorted
him to the porch outside the bunk house, the men tied his hands and
feet with a long piece of rope, before throwing the other end over a
beam in the porch ceiling.
are you doing?” stammered Joel
need to make sure the coyotes don’t get you boy!” replied Ash, as
the men began pulling on the rope, causing Joel to loose his balance
and fall, landing on his just punished bottom.
men kept pulling on the ropes, hoisting Joel up into the air until he
was hanging from the beam, by his tied wrists and ankles, with his
dangling bare bottom almost brushing against a strange looking metal
apparatus, which looked like a neon light.
can’t leave me like this!!” shouted Joel “Not all night!!”
worry kid!” laughed Ash, “we’ll make sure the bugs don’t bit
you!!” he turned a switch and the object next to Joel’s bottom,
began to hum and flicker to life, giving off a bright blue light.
body jerked with surprise causing him to sway slightly, with the
result that his dangling bare bottom touched the thin metal grid
surrounding the blue light.
a small but painful electric shock, stabbed into his exposed butt
cheek, accompanied by a small flash of blue light “Yeeowwch!!
yelled Joel, his body jerking again, causing him to sway at the end
of the rope, first away from the grid, but then, that very momentum
caused him to swing back into contact with the grid resulting in
another “ZZAAPP!
and a flash of blue light as a small but stinging electrical current
shot into his flesh, this time mere millimetres from his exposed and
rosebud like anus, causing him to let out another scream
the fuck is that thing?” he yelled
kills them ‘skeeters Boy” replied Hadley “We get a lotta’ darn
‘skeeters round here!”
don’t worry Kid” added Ash “the mozzies won’t bite you, not with
you hanging right next to the ‘Skeeter killer and all!”
continued Hadley “Any ‘skeeter that tries to bite your lil’ bare
tail will get hit by an electric charge and ‘zapo’, it’ll be ‘skeeter
be careful not to touch it!” laughed Braden “or you will get a
nasty shock!”
did not need telling about the electrical shocks, having just
received two painful jabbing shocks in what was currently the most
tender and sensitive part of his anatomy from what he now realised
was a rather ancient electrical insect killer. An electric insect
killer on one’s porch is a very useful device in the backwoods of
Montana for some parts of the year, but it is not something anyone
would want to be hanging next to when bare ass naked, as Joel was.
decided to try and reason with the men. “Hey guys, this is not
funny! Let me down now!” he tried to look down at them, but that
just made the rope sway, causing his behind to touch the electrified
grating “ZZZAAAPPP!
kid!” replied Braden “we’ll make up a bunk for you tomorrow, but
tonight you will have to stay up there!!”
fella’” laughed Hadley “Sleep well!”
Joel’s horror the men then sauntered back into the bunkhouse, leaving
him dangling from the roof of the porch, his bottom a hairs breadth
from the electric insect killer.
Joel had a long and painful night ahead of him, not only was it very
uncomfortable hanging from a rope by his hands and feet, but also,
much as he tried to stay perfectly still, this was not possible when
one is dangling from a rope, and even the smallest of movements
caused the rope to swing sending his bare bottom into contact with
the electrified grill surrounding the blue light and jabbing yet
another painful electric shock into his already well punished bottom.
electric shocks may not have been strong enough to cause any serious
or lasting burns, but they were still extremely painful especially on
such tender skin as that on Joel’s bottom.
long Montana night was punctuated with the zapping sound of
electricity on skin, followed by a yell of pain from Joel.
luck really had really run out, and who knew what life had in store
for him next. Whatever it was, it was sure to a pain in the ass!
may return to the ranch later in the year to see how Joel’s summer of
spanking progresses.

11 thoughts on “Justice for Joel (Part 4)”

  1. Loving this story! I'm wondering if Miles' uncly concern for Joel will keep those farmhands from doing anything his to his pretty ass besides keeping it warm! I'll be very interesting to find out!

  2. Brilliant as ever, the scenes are so inventive and portrayed so realistically. I hope we get to see Joel benefit from some more harsh treatment on the ranch, who knows, he may even end up liking it 🙂

  3. Love everything you've done with this story. Might I suggest at some point he be given a very special itching powder enema after having his ass blistered, then be reduced to scooting around on the ground on his spanked ass.

  4. Hey there, I love your stories! I wanted to write a comment to make a suggestion for a future spankee, for you or any other talented person reading this. Check out h3h3's video "Jake Paul Doxes Post Malone" on youtube, where he talks about how he would like to "daddy up" and spank this guy. Jake is a hunky, bratty 20-year-old who keeps misbehaving and has now royally messed up. I watched the video like 10 times and just knew I had to share it with this blog <3 cheers, giselle

  5. HOT! In one day this boy's butt gets scalded, spanked, spanked again, jabbed, stung, burned, scalded, spanked, and zapped repeatedly! Can't wait to see what else the ranch has in store for this brat. Maybe a close encounter with a cactus patch, a nest of angry hornets, or even a smoldering campfire?

  6. I miss this series so much. Would have loved to see a sunburn on his bottom, followup from the county sheriff and the perv judge and more public nude chores.

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