An Unlucky Skinny Dipper

should have looked before sitting down on that rock, but who Knew
hedgehogs sunbathed?!! 
luck got even worse, as he was jumping up and down clutching his
sore, hedgehog pricked bottom, Officer Dickman came past and saw that
he had broken park rules by swimming nude in the pond.
moments Randall was over the policeman’s knee receiving a hard bare
bottom paddling. To make matters worse two players from the baseball
team arrived to watch.


5 thoughts on “An Unlucky Skinny Dipper”

  1. Moments later Randall's dad arrived on the scene, say Randall was breaking the no swimming rule, put him over his knee and spanked his little pricked bottom

  2. Unfortunately, while doing the spanking dance afterwards, Randall loses his footing and plants his red hot bottom right in the middle of that cactus patch

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