The Shaman’s Revenge Part 10

Shaman’s Revenge Part 10
lay on the cold basement floor, very miserable, very sore and unable
to get up or escape from the discovery he knew was coming. Within
moments discovery arrived.
on ….?” a boomed voice echoed round the basement and briefly
distracted Jordan from his torment, he looked up and saw the ranger
entering the room, and knew instantly that his bad day was going to
get a lot worse. 
ranger, bare foot and bare chested, strode across the room and stood
looking down at Jordan with an expression of poorly concealed
amusement on his face “What are you doing boy? … how did you get
in here?” … he looked across to the open skylight window “Did
you break in?”
I .. “ stammered Jordan, keenly aware there was nothing he could
say which would not make his predicament worse.
I arrest you? …” mused the ranger with feigned seriousness “or
should I have a word with your Dad …?”
Officer … Sir … I can explain!” moaned Jordan, his mind
struggling for an explanation as to why he was lying naked on the
floor or the ranger’s basement which would both not incriminate him
or appear totally fanciful!
up off the floor!” ordered Officer

can’t!” wailed Jordan
do mean you “can’t”?” snapped the Ranger
…I … I just can’t!” relied the miserable Jordan
be stupid boy …get up!…. on your feet boy!!”
can’t …. I’ve got a ……. a ……. bottle brush up my ass!”
moaned Jordan.
shouted the Ranger, pretending he had no idea what had befallen
Jordan “Let me look?” he stepped forward and tool a close look at
Jordan’s bottom “By damn! You have!!” he frowned at Jordan “What
have you been doing boy?”
protested Jordan “It just flew up there!!!” As the words left his
mouth he knew nobody would believe them so he corrected himself “I
.. er … sat on it!!” at least that sounded slightly more
ranger raised a sceptical eyebrow “If you you .. uh .. say so kid!”
he folded his arms “You sure you ain’t been … experimenting …
like boys do!”
I ‘ain’t … haven’t been experimenting … I am not a pervert!”
yes??? …..Says the naked guy with a bottle brush up his ass!”
chortled the Ranger “why is it stopping you from standing up?”
think it must be pressing on a nerve. When I try to stand up it jabs
into me!”
… are you sure you are not just being a wimp because it feels
bad?…. try getting on your hands and knees.”
considerable difficulty Jordan managed to clamber on to his knees,
making grunts of discomfort every time the prickly plastic brush
jabbed his tight little passage.
try crawling across the floor!” 
increasing discomfort Jordan attempted to crawl as instructed,
letting out increasingly shrill squeaks of pain as he did so.

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ranger roared with laughter as he watched Jordan’s perfect, but much
punished bottom sway from side to side with the wire handle of the
brush protruding from between his cheeks. As if unable to resist, he
lent forward and flicked the handle with his forefinger, causing it
to vibrate inside Jordan’s rectum.
screamed Jordan as the a tingling and prickling sensation surged
through his body, feeling as if all the nerve ends in his bottom had
received an electric shock. “Don’t do that!!”
you squat?” asked Officer
“You might find that easier!”
like doing squat thrusts in the gym!” replied the ranger “Here
let me help you!” He stepped forward, grabbed Jordan under the
armpits and pulled him up as the unhappy boy howled in discomfort.
in a squatting position, Jordan realised the Ranger had been right
and that this position was a bit easier to bear, albeit it was still
very uncomfortable.
better!” said the ranger “Now we need to get you to the hospital,
so they can remove that thing!”
you going to call an ambulance?” asked Jordan, cringing at the
thought of paramedics seeing him with a bottle brush up his behind
“Couldn’t a doctor come here instead?”
there is no need to waste valuable medical resources and time
ferrying a fit athlete a few hundred yards” snapped Officer
Tartarus “The hospital is just down the street!”
how am I going to get there, I can’t walk!”
can waddle!”
can’t waddle!
” snapped Jordan in horror
course you can, you’re a fit, athletic guy, it should be no problem,
….. and I am certainly not going carry you!”
it’s miles to the hospital!”
its a mile and half at most, it’s just a brisk walk ….. waddle ..
and we’ll be there in no time!”
at the prospect of waddling a mile and a half with a bottle brush in
his backside, Jordan looked around the room as if seeking a means of
escape. Then he noticed something was missing …
are my clothes? … they were over there? …”
Ranger looked around casually and shrugged “I can’t see no clothes
need my clothes… they can’t have disappeared ..”
dumb boys” laughed the Ranger “always losing something!” he
turned back to Jordan “I guess you’re just gonna’ have to go in
your birthday suit!!” with that he grabbed Jordan round the waist,
threw him over his shoulder and walked swiftly up the steps out of
the basement.
was, in fact almost two miles to the local hospital, and every yard
was a nightmare for Jordan as each waddled step caused the prickly
brush to jab into his sensitive anus and various internal nerves
sending tingling shock waves from his bottom through the rest of his
body. Although the bristles were only plastic, and were actually not
tearing flesh, he felt as if they were. Therefore, each wobbling step
was accompanied with a gasp or an angry yell of discomfort.
be such a baby Jordan!” laughed the Ranger, who was walking slowly
along beside the unfortunate young swimmer, and unable to fully hide
the pleasure he was taking from Jordan’s discomfort.
discomfort was to increase and be combined with shame and
embarrassment as they got closer to the hospital where there were a
number of people walking in and out, all of whom stooped to stare,
point and laugh at the naked young man waddling down the street, like
a large pink and particularly handsome duck! He prayed that none of
them spotted the wire bottle brush handle sticking out of his naked
for Jordan, as soon as they reached the hospital, Officer Tartarus
wasted no time in making sure that everyone in earshot knew all about
the bottle brush. “We need some help here!” he bellowed
loudly “Jordan Draper here has gone and got a bottle brush stuck
right up his backside!
” His voice grew louder “Don’t know
how he’s done it mind, but idiot boys do do the dumbest things!!”
so loud, please they will all hear!!” pleaded the humiliated young
the Ranger ignored Jordan’s pleas “He claims he weren’t
experimenting or anything!” he continued “but, ya’ know, how does
a dude get a prickly brush stuck deep up his lil’ white boy tush,
without doing something a bit weird?! ….. I’m Just saying!!”
woman at the reception desk, who Jordan, to his horror recognised as
a friend of his Mom’s, almost fell off her chair in an attempt to
stifle her laughter as she blurted out “I will page a Doctor
immediately Sir!” before hiding her mouth with her hand.
later, as if Jordan’s horrible day could not get any worse, a
familiar white gowned figure arrived on the scene, it was Dr Schultz,
the college doctor, who was filling in filling in for a colleague at
the hospital.
Caleb … Officer Tartarus!” he said “I see young Jordan had got
himself into yet another pickle!”
Doc!” laughed the Ranger, “he’s got himself skewered more like,
the dumb jock has stuffed a prickly bottle brush up his fanny!
didn’t stuff it up ….there!” protested Jordan
did it get there then son?” asked the Doctor in a marginally
mocking tone.
jut got there .. okay?!” snapped Jordan “Now just get the fucking
thing out!!”
your tongue brat!” ordered the Ranger “That’s another thing I
need to talk to your Dad about later!!”
did not have time to think about what the Ranger might tell his dad
as the loud shouting had attracted quite a crowd of observers, who
now mingled around the entrance lobby, laughing and pointing at the
metal handle protruding from between his butt cheeks. Worrying about
his Dad’s reaction would come later, all he cared about now was
getting the brush removed and finding somewhere to hide.
with me!” said the doctor, leading, the still waddling, Jordan to a
side room, followed by the Ranger, who, when passing the door, wedged
it open, enabling the assembled crowd to see in.
two strong older men easily lifted the young swimmer onto the raised
hospital bed and laid on his back with his legs in the air. 
the assembled cowed watched in chuckling fascination, the doctor set
to work trying to pull the brush out of Jordan’s rectum, as as the
unhappy jock squeaked and whimpered in discomfort and acute
despite repeated orders to relax, Jordan was so stressed and tense
that his sphincter muscles had involuntarily contracted so tightly
around the the brush it refused to budge.
can’t move it!” complained the doctor, “The boy’s rectum is
gripping it like a vice!”
let me try!” said the ranger stepping forward and taking hold of
the end of the brush “I have a knack for these things!” So
focused was the doctor and others in Jordan’s humiliation that nobody
thought to inquire as to how Officer Tartarus had developed a “knack”
at extracting bottle bristles from the anuses of 19 year old male
technique was somewhat different to the doctor, and significantly
more uncomfortable for Jordan, first he started jiggling the wire
handle from side to side, and then he began to push and pull at the
brush, in an ‘in an out’ movement. Jordan could only gasp in horror
at the sensation this caused to him and as that sensation
intensified, Jordan was suddenly hit by the stark, cold reality that
his new neighbour the ranger was literally fucking him with a bottle
looked into the rangers eyes, and could see immediately that the man
knew exactly what he was doing, and that he was enjoying doing in.
However, as he stared, momentarily transfixed, by the intense
blackness of the man’s eyes, he sensed something else, something
deeper, darker, totally terrifying and not entirely human.
jerked back in horror, and spasm caused by the sudden movement
released the brush from the earlier grip, enabling the ranger to
remove it.
it!” said the Ranger holding up the, now somewhat crushed and
mangled brush!”
done!” said the doctor, “it is a good thing it was just plastic,
and not wire, otherwise it could have done internal damage, as it is
he will just be tender for a few days!
guys heal real quick!” laughed the ranger “that’s why you have to
keep spanking the young varmits!”
we had better make sure there is no infection!” mused the doctor,
he turned to a male nurse who had been standing watching the
entertainment. “The patient will need a double inoculation, please
prepare two syringes!”
Word “Syringes” shocked Jordan away from focusing on the unknown
horror he had seen in the Ranger’s eyes to the very real and
immediate terror of an injection.
Yelled Jordan “You are not jabbing me again!!”
for your own good!” growled Tartarus as he stepped forward, grabbed
hold of Jordan, and flipped him over onto his front, with such ease
that it was as it the boys was weightless. “there you go Doc!” he
looked down at Jordan’s, now upturned, bottom “there’s your target
… and ain’t it a perty one!!” he laughted as he held the the
struggling and protesting Jordan 
doctor picked up one syringe, as the nurse filled a second one. “This
is a new antiseptic serum!” he said “It is very effective, but
there is one side effect, it will make your bottom very sensitive for
a couple of day … so I recommend you avoid horse back riding!”
worry Doc!” laughed the Ranger “I somehow doubt he’s gonna’ want
to go horseback riding for quite some time!!”
please don’t!!” yelled Jordan “Give me a pill instead ….”
before the words had left Jordan’s mouth., the doctor had Jabbed the
needle hard into his right butt cheek, followed seconds later by the
nurse who jabbed his the second needle into the left cheek!!!
…. “YEEEAAAAAOOOCH!” Jordan’s yell echoed around the hospital
as now further pain was inflicted on his already very sore and tender
ranger bent down and whispered quietly into Jordan’s ear, his hot
breath tickling the boys neck as he did so “You really have had a
bad day haven’t you kid? …….. it would be a real shame if it got
To Be Continued!!

9 thoughts on “The Shaman’s Revenge Part 10”

  1. I am sorry that the latest instalment has been so long in coming, and it may not be as enjoyable as some previous ones, this partly due to the fact that I have otherwise distracted by issues in the real world, and also I have been suffering a little “writer's block”. Therefore I plan to intriduce some different elements and characters in future epiodes , and also create some one off pictures and short stories to keep the site active

    1. Your work is worth the wait. And let's be honest, it's not the easiest thing keeping a story like this going for this many installments so writers block is to be expected. Looking forward to seeing what new different elements and characters that you introduce.

  2. You're doing fine! I love how you write Jordan's character as so arrogant and cruel, you want the guy to be punished. I also enjoy the dark nature of Officer Tartarus. I hope things get more peaceful in the real world for you. I find reading a new book I've been looking forward to cracking open a good way to get my imagination going.

  3. I think it's great. I absolutely love the injections stories/scenes/pics. Imagine he'll get 4 painful injections in his butt, and only then the doctor will find out that 'somehow' his assistant made a mistake and put the wrong medicine in the syringes… poor Jordan would have to get the shots all over again. And maybe some long deep repetitive rectal temperature taking to make sure the wrong medicine didn't make poor Jordan sick…

  4. Glad u r back, Bruce. I am sure u will get those writer juices flowing again.
    Maybe the ranger/demon can find out Jordan's intentions when he found him in his basement and that Jordan may have intended to burn the ranger alive. Of course the demon would need to fight "fire with fire". Justice would be served if Jordan would be "burned in the end". lol

  5. I love this series so much. And while I understand your desire to introduce other characters, I love the focus on Jordan's bottom, and how the demon keeps regenerating it so that it can withstand more and more discipline. Perhaps play on the fact that, because Jordan's beautiful bum is never permanently damaged despite the things that happen to it, he never truly learns and therefore, requires permanent discipline. More public humiliation episodes like the toothbrush cleaning in the garage, more nightmares like the hellfire blistering and the voodoo doll's burned bottom, more explanation. And more crying.

    1. Thanks very much, I am glad you are enjoying the story. You will be pleased to know that Jordan's troubles are not over, and that we will be seeing more of his misfortunes quite soon

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