The Shaman’s Revenge Part 12

Shaman’s Revenge Part 12
Wilderness Adventures (Prologue)
leaving Crispin Cherrybutt to his Medieval mishaps at the hands of
the demonic monks, we now travel back to the present day and to
Jordan Draper’s Southern US home town where Jordan had just taken a
shower after a working out, and he was lying naked on the bed lithe
and perfectly formed young athlete’s body still damp and glistening.
He was sulking.
though, for the first time in weeks, his bottom had stopped stinging,
he was in little doubt that this happy situation would not continue
for long. Ever since the damn incident with Martin Clifford and his
fairy boyfriend, and more especially since the damn ranger’s arrival
in town, spanking seemed to be the go to option for every adult male
Jordan encountered.
make matters worse, he appeared to be going through a very accident
prone phase, resulting in a series of mishaps all of which seemed
to, very literally, leave him with a pain in the backside.
Father was away on a business trip, but he was due back the following
day, and Jordan had little doubt the moment he accidentally infringed
some forgotten rule, he would be back over the paternal knee getting
his bare butt toasted! This should not be happening to a guy who was
due to turn 19 in just two months, and he was very tempted to leave
home, except that he would lose his allowance, not to mention his
credit card.
handsome good looks notwithstanding, it would not be so easy to pick
up chicks without a credit card.
bonus was that he no longer had to visit the Doctor for for those
god-damn injections in the butt. He had no idea what the doctor put
in his fucking needles, but his ass always hurt more after a visit to
the clinic.
was also weeks since he had been laid, and the lack of sex was deeply
frustrating and left him with an ache in the balls, which Jacking off
did not relieve.
he was gloomily contemplating his misfortune , the phone beside his
bed began to ring, guessing the call would be from his Dad,
announcing his imminent return he picked up the receiver and glumly
grunted “Yeah?”
handsome, is that you?” 
sound of a familiar female voice instantly perked up Jordan, in a
manner similar to a male dog first smelling the scent of a bitch on
heat. He sat up straight and, with considerable effort responded in a
voice which sounded both cool and unconcerned “Uh … Cindy Mae, Hi
Babe … is that you?”
did you think it was, blue eyes? … one of your other girlfriends”
on Babe, you know you are the only one” he drawled casually “Does
this … uh … mean you’ve forgiven me?!”
I have sweet cheeks!” laughed Cindy May “I know what Megan is
like. You are just a red blooded man Handsome and she led you
Babe, she made me do it” shrugged Jordan, grinning to himself, he
should have known no girl could resist him for long “And ….uh …
the mouth thing, how is your … um … tooth!”
that is fine Jordan” Cindy Mae laughed “The dentist put an
implant in, and it looks even better than the original.” she paused
“I know you didn’t mean to hit me.!”
you know I didn’t Babe … I wound never hurt you!” Jordan quickly
agreed “You just pissed me off, bitching about …. uh …Mary ….
um Megan!”
Mae changed the subject “You want to go up to Brown bear lake
do you want to go all the way up there?” Jordan was doubtful “It
is a long ride, why not go somewhere closer, like the Movies, or the
we can take my car, not your bike!” insisted Cindy Mae “Please
handsome do it for me ….. I will make it worth it!” she giggled
was now very interested “Like how?”
maybe I will give you that …’giggle’ .. blow job you keep asking
Really …. do you mean it Babe?!”
the idea of gong up to the lake seems so romantic, it would be the
right place to do it!”
had never been a man to stop when he though he was ahead “and how
about the other … thing?!”
Mae was silent your a moment “…. you mean anal?” she asked
“Well, well see, it depends how good you are!”
I’ll be good Babe!” cooed Jordan “You know I love you!”
agreeing a place and time to meet for their trip to the lake, Jordan
hung up. He had a fixed grin on his face, and was feeling
considerably more cheerful
May arrived in her car at the time and she and Jordan had agreed.
Jordan walked over to the driver’s seat door “Shift over Babe!”
he commanded “I’m the man, I’ll drive!”
Mae did as she was ordered and smiled coquettishly”My man!” she
beamed with the innate satisfaction of confirming his manliness and
love the new hair style Sweetie” Cindy Mae Chirruped “It makes
you look really handsome and preppy!”
… like .. wee, I just felt like a change Babe” he muttered
“Quiffs are for Dweebs!” there was no way he was going to tell
Cindy Mae that his Dad had banned him from buying hair gel, because
the damn Ranger has said that “Young bucks who look like hoodlums
are gonna’ behave like Hoodlums!”
Bear Lake was high in the mountains many miles from town, and the
drive took over two hours, even at the speed at which Jordan drove.
He only received his licence four months before but was proudly
intent of showing his woman the he was in control.
he wanted to get back before his Dad got home, and found out he
wasn’t studying as he was suppose to. Disobedience tended to lead to
spankings in the Draper household these days. Something else, he had
no intention of telling the chick!
so, he slightly regretted insisting on driving, as it hindered his
ability to grope Cindy Mae. He was now keen to get to their
destination, and thereafter to first base.
they finally arrived at the lake, Jordan was pleased to note that
they were completely alone with no prying eyes which might inhibit
what he and Cindy got up to. However, to his annoyance, Cindy no
longer seemed to be in the mood for romance.
she removed his eager hand from her breast with a terse “not now!”
he moaned sulkily “Aww Sugar I’m, real horny …. and … um …
I need to show how much I love you!”
patient Jordan Honey!” she grinned “all in good time, but first
lets go skinny dipping!”
do we have to?” grumbled Jordan, he usually loved swimming, as it
was something he did well, but right now he was in the mood for
something very different than swimming, a fact which was evidenced by
the stiffening body part pressing against the inner zip of his
Handsome!” she cooed fluttering her long lashes “It’s my fantasy
to swim naked with you first, … as an hors d’oeuvre …. before we
make love on the bank after.” she tilted her head girlishly “If
you love me, you’ll indulge my little fantasy, won’t you Sweet
promise of making love on the bank after was enough to convince
Jordan to go along with the dumb broad’s fantasy, he knew females
often had weird ideas, and sometimes a dude had to play along in
order to get what he wanted. So he quickly began removing his
clothes, while Cindy Mae stood watching him.
on Babe!” he said, noticing she had not begun to disrobe.
go first Honey!” she replied “and check it’s not too cold …..
after all you are so much stronger and braver than me, and such a
good swimmer …. er …” she pointed to the boxer shorts he was
still wearing “Those too” she giggled “I said I wanted to go
skinny dipping!”
muttered Jordan reluctantly removing his last vestige of clothing,
and letting the boxers fall round his ankles “But you better make
it worth my while!” he frowned “you’re not fooling with me are
you Sugar?” 
course I am not fooling with you Jordan, I promise you will get what
you have been asking for!” she grinned, letting her eyes travel
slowly up and down his naked body “Ohhhh!” she simpered “you’re
so handsome … and such a big boy …” she said looking down at
his still partially erect penis “that huge thing of yours is going
make little old me me a really scream!!” 
had ever told Jordan he had a large dick before, and the compliment
made him glow with smug delight.
not impress me even more with one of your incredible dives Big Boy!”
said Cindy Mae with a sweet smile “The lake is deep at this point,
so you could safely dive off that high part of the bank over there!”
she giggled again “It would be so hot to watch you! .. that would
sure get me in the mood”
a typical jock, Jordan loved showing off his sporting prowess,
especially to such an appreciative audience as hot chick Cindy. So he
did not need asking a second time, and sprinted naked up the bank to
the high point she had indicated. Now totally nude he stood on the
top of the bank and looked back at Cindy Mae, who waved to him
encouragingly “Oh my word!” she cried excitedly “Your butt
looks so hot like that! Now I remember why I call you Sweet Cheeks!” 
Jordan’s cute bare bottom, was again the subject of attention, and
that made him feel uncomfortable, especially after recent events.
Although, it was hot for a chick to admire his dick, it seemed weird
to have a woman objectify his bare butt. He quickly attempted to
change the subject.
watch this Sugar Babe! … prepare to be amazed!” he shouted back
to her, as her stepped forward, held his arms in the air, and stood
on tiptoe before launching himself into the air.
performed a perfect dive, throwing himself forward in a smooth,
curved, motion out into the deeper water, which he entered with
hardly a splash or ripple, and dived deep in the dark cool water,
committing a series of underwater somersaults as he did so. For the
first time in weeks he felt like his old confident self, refreshed
and invigorated, he was dong what he did best and was able to show
off. On top of that, he was about to get all the pussy he could want
from the hottest piece of ass in the county … and maybe some ass
underwater gymnastics complete he surfaced like a beautiful sea otter
coming up for air, and turned his head towards the bank expecting to
see a highly impressed (and, with any luck aroused) Cindy Mae
standing there applauding him. However, to his surprise she was not
where she had been standing. He glanced around and caught sight of
her running up the beach in the direction of her car, carrying his
clothes which she had apparently scooped up.
on earth was she doing, where was she taking his clothes? and why was
she not watching his brilliant dive?
and increasingly angry Jordan waded ashore and ran after the fleeing
girl. However, Cindy Mae had a good head start, and by the time a
wet and naked Jordan reached the car, both she and his clothes were
inside, and she had locked the doors.
Mae then wound down the window just enough to give her a small gap to
shout through. “You really are a dumb jerk Jordan Draper” she
snarled, her voice dripping with mocking contempt “Did you really
think I would let you near me after the way you treated me?” she
laughed, her usually pretty face now ugly and contorted with malice
“Then you are even stupider than I thought! I would rather gargle
with gasoline than put my mouth anywhere near your tiny dick!!” she
curled her lips into a sneer “And as for anal …. Ha! …. Well
now it’s your ass that’s on the line!”
on Sugar, don’t play games … be reasonable!” wailed a now very
unhappy Jordan
ain’t playing games Dick for Brains!” replied Cindy Mae with a
smirk! “Enjoy the walk home, it’s only 72 miles!” She grinned
“And I suggest you stay away from the woods, you’ve seen
“Deliverance” haven’t you Handsome ? And you would make a real
cute squealing piggy for a Hill-billy mountain man to play with !”
you bitch!” yelled a now very angry and slightly frightened Jordan,
banging his fist on the roof of the car “Let me in or I will break
your fucking neck!”
chance Looser!” replied Cindy Mae “You are walking home bare
assed! It’s less than you deserve, but Hey, I’m a nice person!” her
voice turned serious “And you better not come near me, I spoke to
the ranger guy who lives across the street from you, told him how
violent you are! He said, if you lay a finger on me, he’ll make sure
you don’t sit down for a month!”
was stunned, he should have known the Ranger was behind this. 
he could reply, Cindy Mae turned on the car ignition, and after
blowing him a final sarcastic air kiss. Jordan frantically grabbed
hold of the door handle in a desperate to open the door, but to no
avail. The hottest pussy in town put her foot on the gas, and drove
off speedily down the lane, leaving a horrified, humiliated and
sexually frustrated Jordan staring after her.
Jordan watched the car disappear into the distance the fully enormity
of his predicament began to dawn on him. He was alone, naked and
there was 72 miles of wilderness between him and his home.
Wilderness adventures had just begun, and by the time he got home,
one especially tender part of his anatomy would be very sore indeed. Which was only what he deserved.
Shamen’s curse continued to ensure that Jordan got exactly what he
deserved, and he would get it where it would do the most good.


15 thoughts on “The Shaman’s Revenge Part 12”

    1. I'm sure that the less Jordan and his butt enjoys it, the more I will. 😉

      It's also interesting that Jordan is so interested in trying anal, I thought he got all the experience he could want with that in part 6 and 10, but guess he's begging for more. :p

    2. Ah yes, but the difference is he wants to give it rather than take it! Poor Jordan, I am afraid he's out of luck ………. again!

  1. Great set up for some "natural" punishment for Jordan. Loved the burning nettles in the third to the last pick, just waiting to grope the rotten brat's booty. Is that a banjo I hear?

  2. Hello! Would you mind if I share your blog with my myspace group?

    There's a lot of people that I think would really
    appreciate your content. Please let me know. Thanks

    1. What group is that? I have no objection to my working being shared on adult sites. I didn't know there were adult groups on My Space

    1. Thanks Sammie, I didn't know how well this posting would be received as Jordan does not (yet) get a sore bottom, and the other main character was a woman. However, I needed to set the scene, and Cindy Mae (or Jordan having the hots for her) is an important feature of his character.

    2. I'm just glad the story is continuing. Thank you so much, Bruce! And I hope there are more appearances by Ranger Caleb, more terrifying hellfire nightmares and more humiliating red-bottomed chores.

  3. Wonderful entry. Cindy Mae is a hoot, and having Jordan stranded far from home in his birthday suit sets up some great misadventures. I'd sure hate for him to try to use some stinging nettles as a makeshift loincloth or something. I have a feeling that whatever is planned for him, Jordan's bottom is in for a world of hurt.

  4. Cant waint for Part 1 after this promising start. I am sure the wilderness welcomes Jordan with a lot of insects, stinging plants and others…

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