More unlucky lads: Art by OTKLad (Part 1 of 2)

Enjoy the first of two new updates of AI Spanking fantasy art by the prolific and talented artist OTK lad. (Part 2 will be posted tomorrow)

you can also follow his Twitter account, where he regularly uploads new work by CLICKING HERE

OTK lad works in collaboration with Strictop (@spank_gay on Twitter/X) who runs the Popular Gay Spank Art website

The Humiliation of Redman Dane (Chapter 5)

The Humiliation of Reman Dane

(Chapter 5)

(Click on pictures to see the full sized image)

It was undoubtedly true that handsome young Redman Dane’s life had been a series of embarrassing disasters and painful blows, since that day he had fallen naked from Magenta Mae Dosett’s bedroom window mere weeks before. However, his current predicament, exceeded all other horrors, even the mind numbingly embarrassing incident with the cucumber, in terms of sheer mortifying humiliation.

Being a young blade know for his arrogant pride, Redman would have welcomed death before tolerating the shameful degradation he was now forced to endure. On his knees, naked from the waist down and locked into the most humbling and uncomfortable pillory the human mind could design, with his exquisite, fair skinned backside unwillingly forced upward and fully exposed to the world’s gaze.

Sadly for Redman, the world had come to gaze. Throughout the day, it seemed as if the entire population of the market town, and surrounding countryside, had come to see the shaming of the the young man, who they correctly viewed as as a naked thief, caught attempting to steal clothes and who was now waiting to receive his rightful punishment.

To his horror and intense embarrassment , a group of young village girls sat down on the grass behind him and began to giggle and discuss his rectum and testicle, which, due to his enforced position were on full, uncovered display.

One of the girls declared that Redman’s anus was the “Prettiest rosebud, she ever did see” However, another declared that it was a naughty rosebud, which needed to be punished.

That girl, Bette Jane Bullock, had long harboured a secret sadistic streak, which had previously been restricted to fantasies, or torturing insects, however, now she has the opportunity to indulge her untold fetish on a human male. She jumped up, walked calmly over to a nearby bunch of nettles, and picked a few stalks each replete with their sting loaded leaves.

She then returned to her friends, and proceeded to tickle Redman’s tight puckering anus and the tender skin around it with the toxic leaves. Within moments the sensitive skin of Redman’s most intimate area began to burn and tingle fiercely, as the the tiny white and pink hives, caused by the fiery leaves began to appear.

Anyone who has been stung by nettles, knows how uncomfortable the sensation can be, and Redman, who has an extremely low tolerance to pain and no means of escaping, reacted exactly as an arrogant and entitled young patrician would, momentarily forgetting the vulnerability of his situation “Stop that you ill begotten whores!” he snarled “Or I will have you horse whipped!”

I’d like to see you try you thieving scallywag!” cried Bette, who then proceeded to whip the captive lothario’s raised bottom with the nettles, this spreading the angry stinging sensation across his entire rump.

The girls the leaped up and ran away, shrieking with giggles, leaving Redman with an very sore bottom, the sting in which would not begin to fade until dusk began to fall some hours later.


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The Shaman’s Revenge Chapter 22 (Part 2)

The Shaman’s Revenge Chapter 22 (Part 2)

Jordan and the Speedos from Hell continued

The pool was entirely empty when Jordan dived in and swam a full length under water. For the first time in weeks, Jordan felt a sense of freedom and relief as his skimmed through the cool deep water, wuith the sleekness and agility of a fit young otter. Swimming was the one thing in the world at which he was the most accomplished, and if had had the determination and self discipline to overcome his naturally lazy and self indulgent nature, he could potentially have been a world class athlete.

However, the inevitable of Jordan Draper’s life was that the flaws in his character would forever outweigh his virtues, and, consequentially, he would never achieve his natural potential.

As observers, therefore, we must content ourselves with appreciating his physical beauty and enjoying his ongoing and well deserved discomforts and humiliations.

However, at that moment, Jordan was free from the myriad discomforts which had recently plagued his life. The Ranger, his new guardian, had agreed he could have a morning free from chores and had dropped him off at the old swimming pool at the edge of town “You can relax today” he had said “Tomorrow you have an important role to play at the local charity fair!”

Jordan had no idea what was planned for the fair, but hoped he would at least be allowed to wear clothes. Meanwhile today, it was just a relief to have some cover albeit only his tiny blue speedos.

For a short while he was free of the sense of dread of what might befall him next, which hay have been a kindness, given what was in store for him.

After completing a dozen laps of the pool, Jordan climbed out and made his way along the side of the pool planning to get himself a coke from the vending machine he had noticed by the entrance. He was then he realised he was no longer alone, when he spotted three figures in swimming trunks walking towards him.

At first he did not recognise them, but they certainly recognized him “Hi Jordan!” sniggered Dewey Rees a small built guy in baggy red swimming shorts “Aren’t you supposed to be bare assed? I head you burnt your asshole!”

Jordan glowered at Dewey, furious at this further evidence that the news of his humiliating situation was spreading like wild fire. “Shut up, if you want to keep your teeth!” he snarled.

Don’t threaten my brother!” boomed a second, much larger guy in an angry voice

He always threatens smaller kids!” chimed in the third guy, Sammy Mason, who was also smaller than average “He’s Jordan Draper, the bully we told you about!”

Dewey grinned at Jordan. “This is my BIG brother Bruno!” He’s really pleased to meet you!”

Until too late Jordan had not noticed how large and muscular Bruno was, otherwise he might have been more cautious, but before he could react Dewey’s big brother had grabbed him and thrown him over his shoulder. “We are going to have some fun with you!” he growled

The swimming pool was next to a derelict building, which had once been a sports centre, where Bruno carried the struggling and protesting Jordan, followed by a broadly grinning Dewey and Sammy.

Once inside what had once been the old locker room of the centre, Bruno tied Jordan’s wrists to an exposed beam, forcing him to stand on Tip toe. Meanwhile Dewey produced a role of duct tape, which he used to bing Jordan’s long athletic legs together.

When Jordan objected, a further strip of tape was placed over his mouth, effectively silencing him.

Heuy Jordan” grinned Dewey “Remember those games you used to play with us kids? .. and the ….. um … tricks? Well lets see how you like them when we play them on you.”

Remember that itching powder you put in the kids clothes while they were in the shower?” he continued “Well we’ve got a different brand … this one is extra strong itching powder” he held up a small bag while tossing a similar bag of white powder to Sammy.

It says ‘Worse that a cartload of fleas’ on the packet!” giggled Sammy

Well you are about to find out if that is true!” sneered Dewey as he pulled at the waist band of Jordan’s speedos creating a gap at the back enabling him to sprinkle the contents of the itching powder package over the cheeks of Jordan’s exposed backside, ensuring at least half the powder went down the tight crack between the cheeks.

Meanwhile, Sammy did the same to the front of the speedos, tipping the contents of his bag over Jordan’s cock and balls.

It took a moment for the powder to take effect, and then, suddenly, Jordan became aware of the most extreme and infuriating itching sensation he had ever experienced. He struggled and writhed in extreme discomfort, desperate to pull off his speedos and try to brush the vile substance off himself, but could do nothing as his hands were tied to the beam above his head.

Sammy attempted to maintain a straight face, however Dewey laughed so hard he almost made himself sick. He and his friends had endured years of bullying and hazing by Jordan Draper, so he was enjoying every second of his tormentor’s suffering.

Meanwhile a grinning Bruno ambled to the cornor and picked up a large glass jar “I guess that powder must be irritating you a mite Guy?” he drawled “But don’t worry, my little friends here will eat it all!”

He held up the jar, which Jordan, to his horror saw was full of ants!

Remember that spider you put down Becky Rutter’s shirt?! Sniggered Dewey, “well we couldn’t find a spider, but the ants will be a good substitute!… they are fire ants, so if they nip you, it might sting a little!”

.”… or Sting a lot!” corrected Sammy.

It suddenly occurred to Jordan that the itching powder and ants must have been bought there specially for him, this was no chance encounter, they had known in advance that he would be at the pool. So someone, either the Ranger or Harley must have been in on the plan.

Jordan did not have time to think any more about the set up as he other things to concentrate on, around forty very small but very ferocious things, as Bruno stepped forward, tugged at the waist band of his blue speedos, and tipped the angry contents of the jar into the gap, shaking the jar firmly to ensure every ant fell in, before allowing the tight lycra to snap back into place with all the ants trapped between it and the tender still wildly itching surface of Jordan’s bottom.

Unlike the itching powder, the ants took no time in making their presence known. They may be trapped and lagely immobile , but the one part they could move were their sharp jaws with which they ferociously attacked every inch of Jordan’s poor bottom.

A large number of the fire ants had slipped between his cheeks and they set about biting that intimate and sensitive area, even his rosebud like anus was not spared.

The fire ants certainly lived up to their name, and within seconds, Jordan felt as if his entire bottom was literally on fire.

Jordan’s three assailants stood back, laughing with delight as Jordan hopped up and down, writing in agony and the rapacious insect assault on his nether regions his silent screams muffled by the duct tape covering his mouth.

It was then that all three of Jordan’s new tormentor’s produced a selection of old wooden paddles, both fraternity paddles with greek letters or old fashioned domestic paddles with quaint phrases on them.

We will kill those nasty biting ants for you!” laughed Bruno “Isn’t that good of us?!”

Within moments, the sound of three wooden paddles whacking against ther seat of Jordan’s speedoes echoed round the abandoned building and continued for quite some time.

Jordan’s previous were certainly relishing their revenge.

Some hours later, after Jordan had not returned at the time he had been instructed to, the Ranger and Jordan’s hated cousin Harley went to the pool looking for him. When they found he was not, the Ranger suggested they should check the abandoned sports centre next door, and that is where they found a very sore and unhappy Jordan.

Still tied up and duct tape gagged, he had been hing fron the ceiling by his blue speedos, in an uncomfortable and embarrassing wedgie. Adding to his humiliation a white surrender flag protruded from between his two now red and bad badly bruised and bitten butt cheeks, having been inserted deep into his ant bitten anus.

Jordan Draper was one bully who had certainly met his comeuppance!

To be continued..

The Humiliation of Redman Dane (Chapter Three)

More Humiliation for Redman

Unlucky Redman finds himself in another uncomfortable and embarrassing predicament.

You can enjoy the handsome young blade’s further well deserved discomfort by  Clicking Here or on the Continue Reading tab below

WARNING: this features young a young male being disciplined and humiliated by females

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The Adventures of Sore Bottomed Finn ( Prologue)

The Adventures of Sore Bottomed Finn


Finn was in a furious mood as he sped along the open country road on the expensive blue motorbike his doting mother had bought him on his 18th birthday the previous year. It was one of the various luxuries he had become accustomed to while living at home in the city, and one of the few he had ben able to bring with him after being exiled to live with his step-father in what he liked to term “Rubesville”.

His banishment from urban life had been a condition set by the court, as his last chance to avoid a custodial sentence, following various encounters with law and order. It was safe to say this was proving a challenging culture shock for a pampered and spoilt brat like Finn. Not only did he have a low opinion of his Step father, who was nowhere near as generous or tolerant as his wealthy mother, but he lived in a rural backwater with none of the excitement and diversions the city had offered Finn and which had led to his entanglements with the police.

As he turned a corner, he noticed a path leading off the road at the entrance to which was a large sign which stated PRIVATE – No Trespassing. Finn in his short eighteen years had not been accustomed to being denied anything hence the sign had the duel effect of both raising his interest and irritating him.

He was curious as what the secret was at the end of the path and annoyed at being told he could not see it. Characteristically, he chose to ignore the notice, swerved off the road and steered his bike down the bumpy country path. He was stubbornly determined to see the forbidden sight at the end of the path.

After he had travelled less than half a mile the path led him to a forest at the edge of which was a small lake and more signs one instructing him that swimming was forbidden, and another, which was half hidden by foliage, announced “NO TRESPASSING – Violators will be …” the rest of which was obscured by leaves. However, it was the no swimming sign which interested him more.

Being told he could not do something inevitably made him more determined to so it. Hence, after leaving his bike next to a pile of rocks, he quickly stripped off his clothes in order to indulge in the countryside pursuit of skinny dipping.

He ran to the edge of the lake before stripping off his underwear, then, when fully naked he plunged in.

The water was colder than he had expected on such a warm day, but he soon got used to that , and find the cool water pleasantly refreshing. However, it was also very salty, which surprised him, but did not concern him as he had spent his childhood summers playing in the salty water off his grandparent’s Florida beach house.

Although, as an occasional athlete, Finn excelled at tennis and field sports, he was also a competent and confident swimmer, and he easily moved through the glassy water until he was in the deeper water towards the centre of the lake.

It was there that he was to discover the cause of the lake’s high salt content. Although it was hidden by the trees and a small range of hills, the lake was in fact only a few miles from the edge of the ocean by which it was connected by two tidal rivers one above ground, and the other subterranean.

Only weeks before, a huge ocean storm had washed nany thousands of gallons of sea water into the lake together with various sea creatures, including a small swarm of jellyfish, and it was with these opaque but electrical little creatures that Finn was to make unwelcome contact. The contact was particularly unwelcome for Finn, for it was his bare bottom which one brushed against with a stinging result as a forceful electrical current surged through his exposed skin.

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The Humiliation of Redman Dane Chapter Two (Part Two)

Click Here or on the Continue Reading Tab below to view the latest instalment of “The Humilation of Redman Dane”

Warning The Humiliation of Redman Dane features a male being humiliated and punished by various females

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The Humiliation of Redman Dane: Prologue and Chapter One

WARNING: The Humiliation of Redman Dane is a breeches ripping tale of the misfortunes of an arrogant young gentleman in Edwardian England. This is a partially Fem Dom / CFNM story, created following numerous requests. Therefore, in addition to the usual Sore Bottomed Guys features, the young hero is also humiliated and punished by females.

If this does not appeal to you please do not read further, However, those who do wish to see more please click HERE or on the Continue Reading tab below

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