The Humiliation of Redman Dane (Chapter 5)

The Humiliation of Reman Dane

(Chapter 5)

(Click on pictures to see the full sized image)

It was undoubtedly true that handsome young Redman Dane’s life had been a series of embarrassing disasters and painful blows, since that day he had fallen naked from Magenta Mae Dosett’s bedroom window mere weeks before. However, his current predicament, exceeded all other horrors, even the mind numbingly embarrassing incident with the cucumber, in terms of sheer mortifying humiliation.

Being a young blade know for his arrogant pride, Redman would have welcomed death before tolerating the shameful degradation he was now forced to endure. On his knees, naked from the waist down and locked into the most humbling and uncomfortable pillory the human mind could design, with his exquisite, fair skinned backside unwillingly forced upward and fully exposed to the world’s gaze.

Sadly for Redman, the world had come to gaze. Throughout the day, it seemed as if the entire population of the market town, and surrounding countryside, had come to see the shaming of the the young man, who they correctly viewed as as a naked thief, caught attempting to steal clothes and who was now waiting to receive his rightful punishment.

To his horror and intense embarrassment , a group of young village girls sat down on the grass behind him and began to giggle and discuss his rectum and testicle, which, due to his enforced position were on full, uncovered display.

One of the girls declared that Redman’s anus was the “Prettiest rosebud, she ever did see” However, another declared that it was a naughty rosebud, which needed to be punished.

That girl, Bette Jane Bullock, had long harboured a secret sadistic streak, which had previously been restricted to fantasies, or torturing insects, however, now she has the opportunity to indulge her untold fetish on a human male. She jumped up, walked calmly over to a nearby bunch of nettles, and picked a few stalks each replete with their sting loaded leaves.

She then returned to her friends, and proceeded to tickle Redman’s tight puckering anus and the tender skin around it with the toxic leaves. Within moments the sensitive skin of Redman’s most intimate area began to burn and tingle fiercely, as the the tiny white and pink hives, caused by the fiery leaves began to appear.

Anyone who has been stung by nettles, knows how uncomfortable the sensation can be, and Redman, who has an extremely low tolerance to pain and no means of escaping, reacted exactly as an arrogant and entitled young patrician would, momentarily forgetting the vulnerability of his situation “Stop that you ill begotten whores!” he snarled “Or I will have you horse whipped!”

I’d like to see you try you thieving scallywag!” cried Bette, who then proceeded to whip the captive lothario’s raised bottom with the nettles, this spreading the angry stinging sensation across his entire rump.

The girls the leaped up and ran away, shrieking with giggles, leaving Redman with an very sore bottom, the sting in which would not begin to fade until dusk began to fall some hours later.


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The Humiliation Of Redman Dane- Chapter 4

It was a beautiful late summer morning, with a gentle breeze moderating the warmth of the, still rising sun. However, the sanguine weather was not reflected in the face of the handsome young men riding his dappled grey horse through the Doset countryside. To say Redman was sulking would be to understate the sullen darkness of his mood.

For a youth as proud and arrogant as Redman, there were few pains which stung as fiercely as humiliation or the loss of his treasured dignity. Redman had been on this earth, just shy of twenty years, but never before had he suffered such humiliation, nor had his dignity been so shredded as in the last few days.

Almost a week had passed since the mortifying events had occurred in the great ballroom at his family mansion, yet the embarrassing images still flashed through his mind, as fresh and as painful as if they had happened moments before.

He had been forced to strip naked in front of the mocking gaze of the sons and daughters of the leading families of the county, and then publicly spanked on his bare rump like some miscreant child. Humbled and shamed, while the beautiful young gentlewomen giggled with glee from behind their fans, and the young gentlemen, who had previously envied him, now looked on with scorn and contempt.

That had been the darkest day of his life (so far) and one he would never forget.

Yet, as was his nature, Redman was not chastened by what had happened. Instead he seethed with furious anger and desire for revenge. Forgetting how disastrously his previous attempts at retribution had turned out.

All of a sudden his dark thoughts were disturbed when a masked and cloaked figure stepped our from behind a tree, pointing a musket at him. “Get down from that handsome horse young Sir! I have greater need of a steed myself!” the man’s voice muffled by his thick mask.


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Return of The Sting of the Jungle – Jungle Boy Gets the Point

Return of The Sting of the Jungle – Jungle Boy Gets the Point

Come back here! …. you little …!!!!” the older man’s booming voice echoed through the vast, lush tropical canopy, followed by a chorus of chattering and squawking as the jungle creatures responded to the bellowing command. It was as if the rain forest trembled in anticipation of what had become the common spectacle of Tarzan disciplining his wayward stepson.

As usual, Boy had no intention of obeying the roaring command, as he knew full well what Tarzan had in mind for him, Breaking any of his jungle stepfather’s many rules inevitably resulted in either a spanking or a paddling. Being a few months shy of his 20th birthday, Boy considered himself well past such childish and humiliating punishments, and refused to submit.

Hence he was running through the jungle, pursued by a furious Tarzan.

Unfortunately for Boy, die to his spoilt, arrogant and rather sadistic nature, he was not well liked by the jungle creatures, who instinctively took Tarzan’s side, especially Cheetah the elderly but highly intelligent Chimpanzee, who appeared to derive great delight from seeing its long term tormentor, Boy receiving a well deserved punishment.

Therefore, as Boy ran past it, the wicked old chimp, deliberately tripped him up by thrusting a broken tree branch into his path.

Losing his balance, Boy tumbled forward, hitting his head on a rock, and rendering himself temporarily unconscious. At that moment, the ground began to shudder, as a great beast, Kirabo the elephant, approached down the jungle path.

As Boy lay there face down on the ground, the Chimp took the opportunity before the elephant arrived, to snatch a prized possession which it had stolen many times before, Boy’s skimpy loincloth.

As, so many times before, Boy was left bare bottomed and vulnerable.


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A Sore Bottom For Travis

A Sore Bottom For Travis

(A Sore Bottom For Travis, written by StricTop and Illustrated by Bruce, was first published elsewhere in September 2011)


It was his standard response to any annoying situation. And it seemed to Travis that more than his share of situations were annoying lately, if not downright frustrating. Not being the brightest bulb on the tree, Travis’ many brilliant ideas often had a way of just not working out.

“Muh-ther-FUK-ker!” He whined to no one in particular.

For Travis, ‘motherfucker’ referred to all the nameless, faceless people and circumstances that conspired to keep him from getting what he wanted—easy money, free drugs, and plenty of sex.

“Fukfukfukfukfuk!!” He crumpled the envelope he was holding and threw it angrily at the blank TV.

Tiffany, Travis’ latest in a long line of girlfriends, stuck her head in from the kitchen. She had one of those flawless faces that are irretrievable after the age of 28 and that crowd every nightspot and modelling agency from Encino to East L.A.

“What is it, Travis, honey? What are you yelling about?” She flipped her perfect, shiny blonde hair with surgical precision and blinked at him from wide-set, almond-shaped eyes. She wiggled over and settled in beside him on the sofa.

“Honey, don‘t get so upset.” She stroked his head and cooed soothingly. “Don‘t waste all that energy on unimportant little things.” She clearly had no idea what was actually bothering him. “You‘re going to need all the energy you got for the game next week…and for me…” She adopted what she thought was her sexiest pout and ran her hand across the front of his chest.

Travis White had picked her up the previous weekend at one of the hotter clubs in town and she had been staying with him ever since—that is, staying at the million-dollar condo in Westwood that belonged to his uncle, Charlie White. But she didn‘t know that. Travis had told her it was his place and his car. He had also told her that he was on the starting lineup of the Los Angeles Dodgers. The bar was about to close. She was drunk. He was flashing around a lot of cash. And neither of them thought past the end of Travis’ dick.

They went home that night and had amazing sex. What each lacked in IQ points, they more than made up for in good looks and sexual enthusiasm. She wanted to believe she had hooked up with a big baseball star—and he intended to let her.

The deal was clinched when he showed up the next afternoon with a giant bottle of her favorite perfume. She had seen it in the store and knew exactly what it cost. Unconcerned that large-bottle-size rarely predicted quality, they each beamed with their own inner pride—she, pleased at how easy it was to get him to buy her the most expensive thing on the counter; he gloating that the ridiculously-priced bottle was a knock-off he had purchased for five bucks on the street.

The giant bottle gleamed obscenely on the coffee table while Travis’ thoughts drifted to the note crumpled on the floor.


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The Humiliation of Reman Dane – Chapter 3 – “Redman’s Plot Backfires”

Click on the Continue Reading tab below to see the latest instalment of the Humiliation of Redman Dane

WARNING: this is a F/M CFNM story featuring a young man being humiliated disciplined and punished primarily by by Strict Women

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The Shaman’s Revenge Jordan and the Speedos from Hell (Part 1)

The Shaman’s Revenge

Jordan and the Speedos from Hell

(Part 1)

It was early on a late summer morning, and the sun was just peeping through the curtains of the small bedroom where Jordan had spent the night. Jordan’s new guardian come baby sitter the Ranger had forced him to give up his usual, much larger bedroom, to his visiting cousin Harley. Who, he had been informed, knew how to behave like a well bread young gentleman man, and therefore deserved a better room.

Muts that behave like coyotes don’t get to sleep in the kennel!” the Ranger had said, pointing Jordan in the direction on the guest room, a room Jordan had disliked and avoided ever since Aunt Blossom from Boise had died in it when she visited a few summers back.

That, combined with the spanking he had received for some misdemeanour earlier in the evening meant Jordan had retired in a very bad mood, with the result that he slept badly and was beset my unpleasant semi-conscious nightmares. In the most vivid of the nightmares, the Ranger in the jousting regalia or a medieval knight and on horseback was pursuing him across a wild and empty landscape, jabbing at his bare behind with the pointy end of his lance.

These nights the Ranger featured in most of Jordan’s nightmares, invariably cajoling and bullying him while simultaneously assailing his exposed rear end with some instrument of torture.

Jordan could therefore be forgiven for imagining he was still dreaming when he heard the the familiar voice booming “Time to get up ya’ lazy bug in a rug, there’s a treat in store for you!”

However, he was instantly wide awake when the Ranger jumped onto the bed, sat on him legs, Trapping him face down, and whacking his exposed bottom with the rubber sole of a beach shoe.

OW …OWWW! That hurt” complained Jordan angrily “Stop it man!”

Don’t be such a wimp!” laughed the ranger “You should be happy, this is a special day!” he continued to enthusiastically spank his captive prey with the rubber shoe.

The day didn’t seem special to Jordan, and it seemed even worse, when he spotted his cousin Harley, standing in the doorway, watching with a sneering grin on his scrawny face.

Before your surprise though..” said the Ranger, putting down the beach shoe “You have to have your shots!” He took one of the syringes from the dish he had brought with him, which Jordan had not noticed, until that moment and which was perched precariously on the corner of the bed.

Oh No! Not That!” Yelled Jordan but before the words had left his mouth, the Ranger had jabbed the needle hard into Jordan’s left butt cheek, causing an angry yell of pain to echo round the house.

Jordan struggled to free himself and avoid the second jab, but the Ranger swiftly climbed on top of him, sitting on his back and holding him firmly in place. “Harvey!” he called “Come hear and give your cousin the second jab.

Harvey quickly scuttled over and gleefully did as requested

Jordan struggled helplessly, seething with fury at the humiliation of had his butt injected by his hated cousin, who he knew would be enjoying him self and would seek to make the injection as painful as possible.

Hold on!” ordered the Ranger “That’s the wrong cheek … damn too late! You have injected him the same cheek I just did!!”

Sorry!” squeaked Harley “I got confused … should I get another needle?”

NOOO!” yelled Jordan “That’s enough!”

In that case you will need a second shot this evening” Replied the ranger

Jordan scowled moodily, he had a reprieve, but only a temporary stay of execution, as he still had a further injection to look forward to.

Now for your treat!” grinned the Ranger as he finally climbed off Jordan “I had a discussion with the Doc and he agrees that you should now be allowed occasional breaks from the current bare butt treatment!”

Jordan, who had been sulkily scowling and rubbing his sore behind perked up immediately at this unexpected turn of events.

Only very limited to start with!” he put his hand in his pocket and brought out a tiny pair of blue speedo swimming briefs, which he held out towards Jordan.

You can wear these to go swimming for a few hours this afternoon!”

Although a break from the embarrassing nudity was a welcome surprise, Jordan was confused and a little dubious given the size of the garment being offered to him. “They are very … small!” he said

Nonsense!” Replied the ranger “They are perfectly big enough, come and try them on!”

Jordan didn’t need asking twice, he leaped off the bed, grabbed the proffered speedos and quickly pulled them on, before checking himself out in the mirror.

The speedos were indeed very brief, the shiny blue fabric barely covering his groin and most of his butt cheeks! “Man but these are skimpy!” he complained

The Ranger laughed and gave Jordan hard slap across the seat of the tiny swimming briefs. “You are such a spoilt brat Jordan!” he said. “I told you the break was to be only a limited one! Those trunks are perfectly adequate, in fact I think they will serve their purpose very well indeed!!

To be continued…..

The Adventures of Sore Bottomed Finn (Chapter 1)

 The Adventures of Sore Bottomed Finn

Chapter 1

(Click here for the Prologue)

Silas Hooper sat at the bar in Annie Kay’s Coffee and Beer bar at the centre of town enjoying a lunch time Coffee and corned beef on Rye sandwich together with some man talk with a couple of the bar’s regular patrons. Silas had been a successful urban architect, but he had become disenchanted with city life and moved to this small rural town five years earlier where he now ran a relatively successful construction business. Usually a light hearted individual, who enjoyed a laugh with the guys, he had made friends easily and soon settled in. However, today, he appeared strained and serious, and it was obvious something was troubling him.

What’s the problem Buddy?” asked grey bearded Cole Ritter, one of the small town’s only two doctors “You look as if you are carrying one heap of troubles.”

Kids” replied Silas with a sigh “Specifically one kid, my step son Finn, he’s my ex-wife’s son from her first marriage, he’s been totally spoilt and allowed to run wild. Technically, he’s no longer a kid, but he sure acts like one!”

Ah! Typical story!!” grunted Mike Palmer, the town sheriff “Spoiling a boy does him no favours! When I was working as a young cop in Atlanta I dealt with any number of spoilt rich boys ”

Silas frowned “Between us, he’s had a couple of run in’s with the law, so he’s been sent to stay with me, where he is away from temptation!” He sighed “But it’s not working out!”

The other men listened as Silas went into detail about Finn’s behaviour, his lack of respect, refusal to obey rules and general unhelpful attitude. “He’s also a damn lazy brat, this morning for instance, I asked him to do one simple task, painting some wood panels I’m using on those new houses next to the fishing dock. It would have taken him a couple of hours, tops. But, I turn my back for a minute, and he jumps on his fancy motorbike and rides off, who knows to where!” he shrugged in despair.

As a Doctor I’d say that kid needs a good spanking!”commented Cole

Plenty of spankings, … and paddlings!” agreed Officer Palmer

SPANKING?” asked a slightly nonplussed Silas “He’s almost nineteen .. a young man!”

So what? boys around here are going over their Daddy’s knee up to they are twenty five or more!” laughed Nial Russell who had been listening to the conversation from a table by the bar “It keeps them on the right track!”

The best way to make a bad boy behave is to keep him bare butt and nervous!” added Officer Palmer banging his fist on the bar

Isn’t that illegal?” asked a mystified Silas

Not in this state it isn’t. Besides, I’m the law in this town, I decide what is legal. If you can’t do it, we’d be more than happy to help you out, wouldn’t we fellas!”

Sure would!” laughed the Doctor “between us we can keep his little butt cheery red all summer!”

How long is he staying with you!”

The Court said he is under my custody until he’s 21, so that’s another two years!” the last words were spoken partly with a groan.

That’s no problem, we are not going anywhere, give us a call anytime and we will do what’s required!”

Thanks guys, but that is all a bit out there for me, I will try reasoning with him first, before resorting to anything drastic!!”

His words were greeted with laughter “Reasoning?!! Good luck with that!” snorted Officer Palmer.

Later, on his drive home, Silas was still a little in shock, the conversation he had just had with three seemingly sane and rational adult men, seemed crazy, and like something out of a different age. It was a conversation he would never wish his ex-wife or any of their liberal city friends to hear, He was also sure he would never think of spanking his 19 year old step son.


Meanwhile, on a country road eight miles out of town, the step son in question was most unhappy, although perhaps not quite as unhappy as he would have been had he overheard the discussion his step father had just been party to.

Finn had miscalculated, he had thought it was only five miles back to town, but it was closer to twelve, and his feet were already sore from walking. All his life Finn’s feet had been protected by expensive, high quality trainers and sneakers, so they were very soft and tender, and totally unused to walking, bare foot, on such rough terrain. He attempted to walk on the grass next to the road but that was not much better.

However, if his feet were sore, that pain faded into insignificance compared to his bottom, which was literally throbbing and burning as if it were still being assaulted by multiple angry hornets. His poor bottom had been stung first by a maritime sea creature, which, by some fluke, had ended up in an inland lake, this was followed by a god damn wasp, then he had been spanked by a muscle-bound hill-billy before the final coup de grâce of sitting in a bunch of nettles.

Somehow the stinging nettles had made the pain even worse by adding a tingling, all over, sensitivity to his buttocks and upper thighs. To add to his discomfort the nettles had stung the underside of his testicles, which tingled and stung as well.

However, sore bottom, feet and balls, were not the only thing causing his discomfort. The loss of an expensive motorbike would be difficult to explain, but worse than that, he was also faced with a very difficult and embarrassing predicament caused by the fact that he was bare butt naked whilst his clothes were in the back of some hill-billy’s truck, or at his step-father’s house on the far side of town.

The challenge would be getting home without being seen!!

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The Humiliation of Redman Dane (Chapter Three)

More Humiliation for Redman

Unlucky Redman finds himself in another uncomfortable and embarrassing predicament.

You can enjoy the handsome young blade’s further well deserved discomfort by  Clicking Here or on the Continue Reading tab below

WARNING: this features young a young male being disciplined and humiliated by females

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The Adventures of Sore Bottomed Finn ( Prologue)

The Adventures of Sore Bottomed Finn


Finn was in a furious mood as he sped along the open country road on the expensive blue motorbike his doting mother had bought him on his 18th birthday the previous year. It was one of the various luxuries he had become accustomed to while living at home in the city, and one of the few he had ben able to bring with him after being exiled to live with his step-father in what he liked to term “Rubesville”.

His banishment from urban life had been a condition set by the court, as his last chance to avoid a custodial sentence, following various encounters with law and order. It was safe to say this was proving a challenging culture shock for a pampered and spoilt brat like Finn. Not only did he have a low opinion of his Step father, who was nowhere near as generous or tolerant as his wealthy mother, but he lived in a rural backwater with none of the excitement and diversions the city had offered Finn and which had led to his entanglements with the police.

As he turned a corner, he noticed a path leading off the road at the entrance to which was a large sign which stated PRIVATE – No Trespassing. Finn in his short eighteen years had not been accustomed to being denied anything hence the sign had the duel effect of both raising his interest and irritating him.

He was curious as what the secret was at the end of the path and annoyed at being told he could not see it. Characteristically, he chose to ignore the notice, swerved off the road and steered his bike down the bumpy country path. He was stubbornly determined to see the forbidden sight at the end of the path.

After he had travelled less than half a mile the path led him to a forest at the edge of which was a small lake and more signs one instructing him that swimming was forbidden, and another, which was half hidden by foliage, announced “NO TRESPASSING – Violators will be …” the rest of which was obscured by leaves. However, it was the no swimming sign which interested him more.

Being told he could not do something inevitably made him more determined to so it. Hence, after leaving his bike next to a pile of rocks, he quickly stripped off his clothes in order to indulge in the countryside pursuit of skinny dipping.

He ran to the edge of the lake before stripping off his underwear, then, when fully naked he plunged in.

The water was colder than he had expected on such a warm day, but he soon got used to that , and find the cool water pleasantly refreshing. However, it was also very salty, which surprised him, but did not concern him as he had spent his childhood summers playing in the salty water off his grandparent’s Florida beach house.

Although, as an occasional athlete, Finn excelled at tennis and field sports, he was also a competent and confident swimmer, and he easily moved through the glassy water until he was in the deeper water towards the centre of the lake.

It was there that he was to discover the cause of the lake’s high salt content. Although it was hidden by the trees and a small range of hills, the lake was in fact only a few miles from the edge of the ocean by which it was connected by two tidal rivers one above ground, and the other subterranean.

Only weeks before, a huge ocean storm had washed nany thousands of gallons of sea water into the lake together with various sea creatures, including a small swarm of jellyfish, and it was with these opaque but electrical little creatures that Finn was to make unwelcome contact. The contact was particularly unwelcome for Finn, for it was his bare bottom which one brushed against with a stinging result as a forceful electrical current surged through his exposed skin.

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The Humiliation of Redman Dane Chapter Two (Part Two)

Click Here or on the Continue Reading Tab below to view the latest instalment of “The Humilation of Redman Dane”

Warning The Humiliation of Redman Dane features a male being humiliated and punished by various females

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