Category: Uncategorized
The Barbed Wire Fence
The Captured Cowboy
Army Medical

As anyone who has attempted to view JockSpank since mid morning Thursday ET will have found that access has been blocked to everyone apart from the authors. Blogger (Google) has done this because they believe JockSpank may in breach of their terms of Service. According to a notification I have received from Blogger today we have been identified as what they term “a potential Spam blog“. That is to say, an artificially created blog which the author uses to promote affiliated websites or to increase the search engine rankings of associated sites.
Anyone who has visited JockSpank will know that this is ridiculous. JockSpank does provide links to commercial studios when we post samples of their work, however, this is done merely to protect their copyright, and, of course, to to to promote these studios because we enjoy what they do, and want them to carry on doing it. There are also fixed links to various adult blogs, groups and commercial websites at JockSpank. We are, however, not spamming or selling products in any way, furthermore, the authors of JockSpank do not have any commercial interest in any of the studios we promote.
Furthermore, JockSpank does not have any affiliate arrangement in place with any commercial organisation. We were approached and offered one some ten days ago, but we have not taken up that offer, and now will not be doing so.
Also, Jockspank does not post or promote material which would be illegal anywhere in the European Union or North America.
We have sent a request to Google asking that they review the action they have taken, verify that JockSpank is not a Spam blog and make it again accessible to visitors. I am aware from internet monitoring that the site has received additional visitors in addition to the authors, both yesterday and today, so it may be that the site is currently being reviewed, let us hope so.
JockSpank is but one of a number for gay adult blogs which have been suspended by Google (Blogger) in recent weeks, and the apparent targeting of blogs featuring gay related material is certainly disturbing.
As you know, Google is almost impossible to contact, however, anyone concerned with these issues may wish to contact their corporate office or Investor relations section at the details given below and politely express that concern.
Google Corporate offices:
Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
Google Investor relations:
Google Inc.
Attn: Investor Relations
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
online contact for Investor relations:
On behalf of all at JockSpank, I would like to thank the in excess of 2,000 people who visited JockSpank every day for their support and express the hope that we will be able to welcome you back as soon as this matter is resolved.
Ward, Spankfan, Bruce, Duane and SoupGoblin
I would be grateful if other gay bloggers could link to this post so that our fans know what has happened to us.
JockSpank at
The sun burnt pool boy
Butt on fire – by Jonathan (Colour by BuckcuB)
Hospital Punishment
The Spanking Machine
First published at JockSpank