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Tag: jabbed in butt
Matador Rafael Cerro jabbed in the butt by bull
Thanks to CD for pointing me to this story
Carelessness Has Consequences
The Sting of the Jungle – (Part 2)
Once in the cave, Tarzan sat down upon a rock and firmly placed Boy, bottom uppermost, between his knees, a position which gave him maximum access to the youth’s sorest parts.
The Sting of the Jungle
(The Day nature bit Boy in the butt)
Boy, however had stayed, and the older man marvelled at how the lad had changed over the years. Gone was the mischievous curly haired child, to be replaced by the handsome muscular eighteen year old, of whom Tarzan would have been immensely proud were it not for Boy’s continued petulant misbehaviour and adolescent arrogance, which until recently had frequently needed to be curbed by the vigorous application of a firm hand to a young bare bottom.Despite some misgivings, Tarzan had concluded that the best way to teach boy about the grown up world was to give him some responsibility. It was for this reason he had decided to leave boy in charge of their home while he took a trip to the other side of the jungle to collect provisions.
Before Tarzan left, he lectured Boy, telling him how he must take care of the animals and treat them well. The animals were all wild, but they lived peacefully with Tarzan and Boy because they were cared for and treated with respect “If Boy treat animals bad, they go back to their wild ways and turn against us!” he said “Treat animals well Boy, and they not turn round and bite you in the butt”“Don’t Fuss man! Of course I’ll treat them well” insisted Boy “And don’t call me ‘Boy’, I’m not a kid any more, we agreed my name would be Guy in future!”
“Okay ‘Guy of the Jungle’” smiled Tarzan indulgently “If you prove you are responsible while Tarzan away I won’t call you ‘Boy’ any more “But, to earn grown up name you must behave like grown up!”
“Sure… sure” shrugged Boy impatiently, irritated by such a dumb conversation, and looking forward to getting Tarzan off his back for a few days.
Of course, bad boys will be bad boys and as soon as Tarzan had left on his trip Boy revealed his true colors, sleeping in until noon, fooling about in the jungle pools instead of doing his chores or feeding the animals. ……
Cheetah, the oldest and wisest of the chimps watched Boy’s bad behaviour with growing concern, he knew that the bad boy had to be stopped and punished before an animal was harmed, or the peaceful order of this previously happy part of the jungle become permanently disrupted. He had a faint memory that the human alpha male Tar-zan had a special means of dealing with the younger male when it misbehaved, he could not recall the specifics, but knew it started with taking down the youngster’s loin cloth and baring its rump, so he concluded, if he was to resolve the problem that was what he would have to do.Cheetah jumped down from the branch he was sitting down, waddled across the clearing to where Boy stood, grabbed hold of the young man’s loincloth and, with one mighty tug, ripped it off.
“Give that back!” yelled Boy in outrage covering his exposed groin with his hands as the old chimp stood there seemingly grinning at him and holding his torn loincloth.Boy was suddenly aware that all the eyes in the jungle were upon him. It was difficult to understand why he would feel embarrassed by animals seeing him naked, after all they had no concept of clothing. Yet, he did feel embarrassed and somehow humiliated. He had known most of these animals all his life, and had always felt superior to them because his intimate parts were covered, while theirs were exposed, now he was as naked as they were, it was as if his superiority had also been stripped away.
In fact he felt more naked than the animals, they had fur, feathers or hard leathery hides covering them. Without his loincloth there was nothing to hide his tender pink skin. Boy suddenly began to feel very vulnerable, and very exposed,
The animals also sensed the change, always quick to spot weakness in a rival, or in potential prey, they knew instantly that the young human had lost its dominance over them, the power structure had changed and this was their chance to take control.
Equally importantly it was their chance to chastise the youngster for his misbehaviour in a manner which would ensure he did not repeat it. They had watched the alpha male human chastise the boy in the past and recalled that he directed his attack at a particular part of the young man’s anatomy, his bare, pink rump.
It was Leah the zebra, the animal which boy had beaten with a stick earlier that day, who was first to take advantage of that tender target. Turning round he lashed with his hind legs delivering a mighty kick to Boys backside, each hoof impacting squarly in the centre of a butt cheek.So powerful was the kick that it sent Boy flying into a tree landing bare bottom up in the fork of two branches.
The relief was short lived however, for, instead of lowering him to the ground, Jando immediately began striding purposefully through the jungle, with Boy clasped tightly in his curled trunk. The other jungle animals followed the marching elephant as if the understood his purpose.“Let me down!” demanded Boy “Let me down NOW!” but the elephant paid him no heed and kept on marching towards the edge of the jungle still carrying the sore bottomed and increasingly alarmed Boy.
Reaching the edge of the jungle, Jando approached a a large patch of prickly pear cactuses where he stopped holding Boy dangling above the spiky plants. Boy looked down at the cactus and saw the sharp pointy spines pointing up at him, and suddenly realised what the elephant was planning. “No please don’t!!” he yelled “… Don’t drop me!! ….. PLEASE!!!”
Boy howled in agony as the cactus pricks jabbed into his already hyper sensitised behind, which now stung as if all the demons in Hell were stabbing it with red hot tridents.Boy, who had a low tolerance of pain at the best of times had never experienced such torment, it was as if nothing else in world existed apart from his poor tortured backside, which was now covered in both bulging hornet stings and cactus pricks.
He jumped to his feet and began blubbing like a baby, hot tears of anguish running down his handsome , but now streaked and blotchy face.
An old gorilla, who had helped Jane nurse Boy as a child, took pity on him and pulling him over her knee and began to gently remove the cactus pricks from the weeping eighteen year old’s tormented behind. Other apes came over to help with the removal of the prickly thornsThis was a lengthy process as there were a lot of pricks embedded in his tender skin, including some in the more intimate areas between his butt cheeks where they stung as if the hornets were still attacking them. Each extraction caused the miserable boy, who had never been given to bravery, to yell out in pain. He has finally stopped crying and lay there sniffing petulantly and feeling very humiliated and sorry for himself.
The final cactus thorn was embedded deeply in the most private, delicate and sensitive part of Boy’s bottom a fraction of a centimetre from his tight virgin rosebud and this extraction cause d him to yelp with pain “Be careful, you clumsy old baboon!” he snarled.
This was not a wise move the gorilla was hugely his superior in terms of strength and was intelligent enough to tell from his tone that it had been insulted. With an angry snort it pushed boy face down and delivered a dozen hard smacks to his smarting, up turned red buttocks.Boy struggled helplessly beneath the great ape’s vice like grip, protesting loudly and impotently ordering the animal to stop. Through his pain and anger, Boy was humiliatingly aware that he was, of all things, being spanked by a monkey!
Daxa the Jackal, seeing Boy’s well punished bottom raised high in the air, decided it was time to take revenged for the earlier kick, launching himself with a single bound, he jumped through the air and sunk his sharp teeth into Boy’s left butt check. a painful nip, which, although it did not break the skin, was made all the more excruciating by the extreme tenderness of Boy’s overall nether regions.Boy leaped to his feet clutching his backside and letting out a bellow of anguish, evidence for the first time ever that he might be a worthy successor to Tarzan, at least as far as the loudness of his jungle call was concerned.
Reaching the river, and oblivious to how ludicrous he might appear to any passing stranger, Boy gingerly lowered his blazing backside into the cool water, gasping at the cold sensation on his red-hot, bruised, stung and punctured skin, convinced he cold all but hear the steam hissing as water cooled his most punished part.Boy closed his eyes and sighed as the water at last brought some relief. As he lay back, allowing two rocks to take his weight while dangling his battered bottom in the soothing water, he thought back over the events of the last two hours and wondered in horror how it was possible that the jungle, which had been his home for eighteen years could have turned so hostile all of a sudden. He wonder if it had been a mistake to insult that witch doctor the week before, and whether his tortured tail would ever stop stinging.
Unknown to boy, beneath the water a large clawed African river crab was approaching him, the crab had never seen anything link the object in the form of two smooth globes with a tight puckering ring between them and what looked like a small eel and two spheres above, dangling in the water above it. being mostly colour blind, the crab could not wake out the bright red and pink shading of the object, but as it got closer to it, the crab could feel that the object was hot as it had perceptibly heated the water around it.
With a piercing shriek Boy leapt out of the water grabbing at his newly assaulted bottom, it seemed nature was still on the offensive.
“What you do Boy?” boomed a voice from the river bank. At the sound of the familiar voice Boy spun round and saw that Tarzan had returned, and that from the expression on his face, he was none too pleased.
Unaware of Boy’s ordeal, Tarzan had returned to their camp and found it in disarray, Boy had left it in a mess had done none of his chores, and worse still the animals which had been left under his charge were all in an agitated and disturbed state, leading Tarzan to suspect they had been mistreated.
“BOY COME NOW!!” Bellowed the Lord of the Jungle “BOY BAD!!”his voice booming through the otherwise now very silent jungle.
Boy reluctantly made his way to the river back, the last thing he needed after what he had just been through was an interminable lecture in duo-syllables from his muscle bound guardian.However, Tarzan had decided the matter had gone well beyond a lecture, Boy had betrayed the trust he had been put in and deserved to be punished, and he knew from experience that the only punishment which worked with Boy was a good hard bare bottom spanking.
As soon as Boy reached the river bank Tarzan grabbed hold of him by the ear and dragged him to a low hanging branch, which, Boy remembered to his horror, had been used as a spanking seat in the past. Realising what Tarzan had in mind, he yelled in furious protest “No!! Not THAT!! anything but THAT!!” he cried “I’m too old to bed …… spanked!!”
“Tarzan think boy too old for spanking before!” growled Tarzan, seating himself firmly on the branch, and pulling Boy across his lap, before adding “Tarzan wrong, Boy need spanking more now older!”
With that he raised his huge hard hand hard in the air before bringing it down with a thunderous WHACK! On Boys upturned bottom, followed by another SWACK! and another WHACK!.“AAAOOO!!” yelled Boy “No please! My ass is so sore …OWWWWW!! it’s been stung OUCH!! its been bitten! …. its been … AAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWW!!!”
“That good thing!” boomed Tarzan “Spanking on sore bottom good lesson! Boy feel spanking and Boy remember spanking, then maybe Boy behave!”
“After now Tarzan spank Boy often” bellowed Tarzan “Boy never too old for spanking!” and boy could tell from his tone that he meant it.
It seemed to Boy as if the spanking continued for hours, and certainly Tarzan did not relent until Boy’s glowing posterior resembled nothing less than two ripe red tomatoes, and he was satisfied that his young jungle companion would not be sitting down for some days to come.At last he released his grip, and boy stumbled to his feet, rubbing his hand blasted behind and sobbing like a child, huge wet tears running down his streaked and reddened face.
“Boy Learn lesson?” demanded Tarzan
Sadly Boy had not learned is lesson well enough to realise when to keep his mouth shut. “Fuck you Tarzan!” he snarled “Fuck you”
Tarzan reached out and grabbed boy by the shoulder turning the youth round to face him “No Boy!” he snapped “Now Tarzan, him fuck you!”
That night Boy slept fitfully, the pain from his behind which now burned and throbbed on the outside and ached and throbbed inside, made it hard to sleep, and when he did manage to sleep he dreamed he was in hell and that demons were jabbing him in the bottom with red hot tridents, while forcing a massive phallus into his tight rectum.As most of the jungle slept the night creatures were aware of a warm pink glow in the darkness and it was not coming from the glow worms and fireflies.
On the edge of the forest the witch doctor whom boy had insulted chucked to himself as he gazed into the flames. Had the white boy been punished enough? He wasn’t sure, but would decide in the morning…………….
Messin’ with Sasquatch : Unlucky landing
In case you missed it, this new picture has been added to the “Messin’ with Sasquatch-Towel Whip – what happened next?” post, as requested by Peter13.
Messin’ with Sasquatch : Towel Whip – What happened next?
The following commercial in the Messin’ with Sasquatch series for Jack Link’s Beef Jerky shows a dumb college jock trying to impress his girlfriend by towel whipping a Sasquatch. In the commercial the unlucky hunk pays for his stupidity by the humiliation of having his pants ripped 0ff in front of his friends and being thrown, bare butt naked, into the lake:
Also, the Sasquatch is clearly still angry and might decide that just losing his shorts and being dunked in the lake is insufficient punishment for the arrogant young Jock’s impudence.
One appropriate punishment would be for the dumb hunk to get his bare butt soundly spanked, while wedged in the fork of a tree, so he can’t escape, as shown in the picture below:
Thanks to Ben for suggesting this idea